The Best Man Plan - Jaci Burton Page 0,93

she wanted. And who she wanted it with. But she couldn’t take those steps until she closed the door on her and Owen.

The party broke up around one. Erin had already had a full day, and she was exhausted. But she wanted to talk to Jason, needed some alone time with him. Fortunately, they had great friends who had helped clean up.

Jason closed the door when the last person left, then turned to face her. “Fun night, huh?”

“Great night.”

They walked together into the living room. Puddy and Agatha were passed out on the floor together.

“Those two had fun.”

“They wore themselves out, plus soaked up all the love they got from everyone. I know Agatha will probably sleep all day tomorrow.”

Jason pulled her down on the sofa. She curled up next to him, wishing the two of them could just be silent like this, soaking each other in. But she had important things to say.

She straightened. “We need to talk.”

“Uh-oh. That’s never a good conversation starter.”

“Owen texted me a couple of times asking to talk.”

He nodded. “I wanted to talk to you about that. He came by here this afternoon.”

Her pulse skittered. “He did? What did he say?”

“He wanted to talk about you. About his decision. I wouldn’t let him. I told him he had to talk to you first.”

She didn’t know if she was relieved or disappointed. If he’d told Jason his reasons, maybe Jason could have prepared her for the conversation she was going to have with him. Then again, that would have been unfair. And Jason had just been looking out for her—taking her side—which was why she loved him. “Okay. Thanks. I’m . . . I’m going to talk to him.”

“I think you should. I know it won’t be easy, but don’t you think it’s time?”

She let out a soft laugh. “I don’t ever want to talk to him again. But yes, you’re right. It has to be done. I have to finish this. Or we can’t . . . you and I can’t . . .”

He smoothed his thumb over her hand. “Yeah. I know.”

She loved that he understood, that she didn’t have to say the words.

She laid her head on his shoulder and just breathed, content to be in the moment with him.

Tomorrow she’d think about what she’d say to Owen when she saw him.



COMING TO OWEN’S apartment made Erin equal parts sad and furious. They’d planned a future together. And that future had evaporated in a single e-mail.

But she wasn’t as angry or upset as she’d been the day she’d read that e-mail. Now she was more determined to get this over with, say what she needed to say so she could walk out and be done with Owen.

She’d told her parents and her sisters that she was meeting with Owen today. Her father wanted to go with her, and she’d explained that this was something she had to do on her own. Her mother had agreed, and then added if she needed her, she was only a phone call away.

She’d always had her parents’ support, and she was so grateful for that. And for her sisters, who were angry again on her behalf. Brenna and Honor had also offered to go with her. She’d turned them down, too.

The only one who hadn’t offered to accompany her had been Jason, who seemed to understand that she had to handle this by herself.

She was going to be fine. One short conversation and this would all be in the past.

All she had to do was get out of her car and go to the door. She’d been sitting in the car for fifteen minutes, frozen to the driver’s seat, unable to move.

You’re past this. Past him. Get out, have the talk and be done with it.

She knew she was right, that this was going to be uncomfortable and unpleasant, but it had to be done. And sitting here wasn’t making it happen. She turned off the engine, grabbed her keys and got out, walked to the door and rang the bell, her heart pounding so hard she could hear her blood rushing in her ears.

She took several deep, calming breaths.

The door opened and there was Owen. She’d expected him to look tanned and smug. Instead he looked pale. He looked ill. Not the nervous kind of ill, but really sick.

Her stomach dropped and everything she’d planned to say, every angry feeling she had, disappeared.

“Dammit. Owen. Are you all right?”

“Come on in, Erin. It’s hot out there.”

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