The Best Man Plan - Jaci Burton Page 0,84

were frowning so hard I was afraid your face was going to freeze that way.”

Erin laughed. “One of Mom’s favorite lines.”

“Very effective, too, especially now when we have to worry about wrinkles.”

“Please. You have the best skin out of all of us.”

“I do not. And you’re beautiful. Now tell me why you made an ugly face at your phone.”

“Jason texted me to ask if I felt like having a picnic.”

Honor gasped. “The horror. How could he, that bastard.”

“You don’t understand.”

“Obviously. So explain it to me.”

“I don’t know. I’m . . . cranky.”

“Yes, you are. And you have been for a while now. Is this still about Owen? Because if that’s the case then you’re totally entitled.”

“Partially. But I think I’m more upset that I’m not as upset as I should be about him dumping me.”

Now it was Honor’s turn to frown. “What?”

“I know, it doesn’t make sense. But I’ve had some distance from it now. And along with spending time with Jason, I’ve had the chance to feel . . . to feel . . .”

Her sister’s face changed into an empathetic smile. “To feel? Something for Jason that maybe you didn’t feel for Owen?”

Her sister was nothing if not utterly succinct in her summation. “I guess. But I don’t know, Honor. How do I even know if what I’m feeling for Jason is real? I thought I was madly in love with Owen, and look what happened there. Am I even a good judge of what love is? I’ve never been more confused about anything in my life.”

“There’s no time limit on falling in love, is there? Can’t you just be with Jason and let things happen naturally? See if what you’re feeling is real?”

Her sister had a point. “I guess so.”

“Then go have a picnic and quit being so grouchy.”

Erin finally dropped her shoulders, letting some of that tension go. “Fine. I’ll go picnic.”

“Good. And did you send those financials?”

“Yes. The document should be in your e-mail.”

Honor stood. “Awesome. Thanks. I can finish off the proposal and get that sent off tomorrow morning. Have fun.”

“I will. I guess.”

Honor turned in the doorway. “No ‘I guess,’ Erin. You will.”

“Fine, I will. Get out.”

Honor laughed on her way out. Erin retrieved her phone and typed a reply to Jason.

A picnic sounds fun.

It took him about thirty minutes to send his response, likely because he was busy with a client.

Pick you up at six thirty. I’ll take care of everything.

Of course he would, because that was the kind of man he was.

She sighed, then went back to work for the next few hours until it was time to end her day and go get ready for the picnic. Of course, she’d forgotten to ask Jason if it was a park kind of picnic, or if he was just going to bring her to his house and they’d have fried chicken. Not that it really mattered. Oh, who was she kidding? The right outfit always mattered. She pondered her closet while Agatha chewed on a toy.

“Dress or capris, Agatha?”

The pup cocked her head to the left.

“Capris it is. You have such good taste.” She crouched down and ruffled Agatha’s fur, which made the pup roll over, so of course she had to rub her belly.

She changed out of her dress and into capris and a sleeveless top, then slipped on her tennis shoes and wound her hair into a bun on top of her head. She stopped in the dining room to talk to the family while they ate, snatching a bite or two of her mom’s caprese salad, which was delicious.

“So, a date tonight?” Brenna asked, offering up a sly smile.

“No, just a . . .” She had no idea how to describe the picnic she was going to have with Jason. She’d meant to come up with a way to make it sound casual, and now that she’d paused, the entire family was staring expectantly at her.

“She’s going on a picnic with Jason,” Honor finished for her.

“Oh, nice,” her mother said, then resumed eating.

In fact, everyone just nodded or mumbled “Great” or “Have fun” and went back to eating as if it were No Big Deal.

Which, apparently, to her family, it wasn’t. She was the only one making it A Big Deal. Of course, she was the only one whose emotions were involved.

Agatha took a spot next to her dad, circling then lying down at his feet. He absently patted her head, then resumed eating. Erin shook her head, but Copyright 2016 - 2024