The Best Man Plan - Jaci Burton Page 0,52

that she’d entered into the master system. It didn’t take long before they responded.

First, from Honor: Engaged! This is so exciting. And wedding here at the vineyard? Can’t wait to start planning!

Followed by another text from Honor: Wait. Where are you? I’m coming to help celebrate.

She gave Honor their location.

Honor replied again: Brenna’s with me. She squealed. We’re both coming.

Erin looked up at Alice. “My sisters are thrilled for you. And they’re both joining us.”

Alice nearly vibrated with joy. “Who knew tonight was going to be such a celebration?”

“Clearly we need more margaritas.”

“Yes. More margaritas.”

Erin signaled their server.



JASON FINISHED MOWING and trimming the yard just before dark, then started laying the tile in the bathroom. He liked the style and the way the pattern looked on the floor. It was an oversized bathroom and would take a while, especially since he had to tile the shower, too, but in another couple of weeks he’d have the master bedroom and bath finished.

After he took a long lukewarm shower, he changed into shorts and a sleeveless shirt. He fixed a tall glass of ice water, then stared into the fridge, trying to figure out what he was going to fix for dinner. It was humid as hell outside since a storm was coming, so he didn’t feel like firing up the grill. He decided to make a turkey and avocado sandwich instead along with some carrots and hummus.

He took his drink and food into the living room and turned on the TV, found a baseball game and settled in. Puddy came over with his favorite chew bunny in his mouth, did three circles on the floor by Jason’s feet and went to sleep.

Jason polished off the sandwich, then dove into the hummus with his carrots. It tasted good. When the doorbell rang, he frowned, picked up his plate and went to the door. Who the hell would be here this late? He took a peek and raised his brows.


He opened the door and found her leaning against the door frame.

“Hey,” she said, “you up?”

His lips curved at the slight slur to her words. “Obviously. You drunk?”

“Maybe a little. But not so much that I don’t know what I’m doing or saying. Are we clear on that?”


“Good. Can I come in?”

“Sure.” He made room for her. She stopped to give Puddy some love, then dropped her purse on the table.

“Did you just eat?” she asked, looking down at the plate in his hand.

“Yeah. I mowed, then worked on the master bath.”

She nodded. “You’re always working, always doing something. You stay busy.”

He didn’t think that needed an answer. “You didn’t drive over here, did you?”

“No. Clay dropped me off. He came to pick up Alice, who had too much to drink. We were celebrating. Did you know they got engaged?”

“I heard that today. Pretty great, huh?”

“Yes. It’s very exciting. Anyway, Clay offered to drive me home. I suggested here would be better since we need to talk.”

“Okay.” He put his plate on the island. “Would you like some . . . water?”

She wrinkled her nose. “I’d rather have a margarita. I had a few of those at the restaurant.”


“I just want to make it clear, though, that I’m not drunk. I’m clearheaded enough to have a conversation. To make decisions. To know what I’m doing.”

“Okay. How about some water anyway?”

She shrugged, then kicked off her shoes. “Fine.”

While he fixed her glass, she made her way to the sofa and plopped down on it. He wondered if she’d still be awake when he got there. She was, sitting straight up, her legs crossed over each other. She was seemingly riveted to the baseball game.

So she did have her shit together. Fine.

He handed her the glass.

“Thanks,” she said, taking a few sips then setting it on the table. “About the other day, when I ran out on you. I saw the text from Owen and I reacted. I was mad. Not at you. I just needed to get out. I’m so sorry for the way I behaved, for not answering your calls and texts. Obviously, I’m still kind of a mess about him.”

Not exactly what he wanted to hear. But it made sense. They’d been about to get married. It wasn’t like her feelings for Owen were just going to disappear after a few weeks.

“It’s okay. But you know you don’t have to run whenever his name comes up. You can talk to me about how you feel.”

“I feel pissed off. I’m mad that he texted Copyright 2016 - 2024