The Best Man Plan - Jaci Burton Page 0,5

she could without help, then slid into the beautiful sparkly shoes she’d bought to go with it. She’d never wear these shoes, either.

She turned and looked at herself in the mirror.

She hadn’t had her hair done in the style she’d rehearsed with her hair stylist. She’d planned on a partial updo, with one lock cascading down her shoulder. She wouldn’t wear her mother’s necklace or her grandmother’s earrings. She wouldn’t face Owen and say the vows she’d written. They were damn good vows, too. She’d taken weeks to write them. Had Owen even bothered to write vows?

Probably not. How long had he known he was going to bail? Days? Weeks?

“Why didn’t you talk to me, Owen?” she said to her reflection. “Why didn’t you tell me you were so unhappy?”

How could she have missed the signs? She was good at reading people.

Apparently, she wasn’t as good as she thought. Because she’d clearly missed one big whopper of a sign in her fiancé.

She inhaled a shaky breath and reached up to calm her erratic heartbeat.

Okay, so tonight she’d be brave and fierce. But right now her heart was broken.

She sank onto the edge of her bed, staring down at her hand, where her sparkling engagement ring mocked her. She pulled the ring off and set it on her nightstand, rubbing the spot where her finger felt suddenly so naked, so exposed and vulnerable.

She tried to push the tears back, but couldn’t, so she allowed them to fall and her heart to open up to all the emotion she’d held inside since she’d first read that e-mail.

Oh, this hurt.

She didn’t think she could feel this much pain, but as she lay on the bed and curled up into a ball, she grabbed Mr. Brown, the teddy bear that had always given her comfort when she was a little girl. She wrapped her arms around him and wished for Mr. Brown to ease her pain.

Not even Mr. Brown could make her feel better. She had thought she could cry it out for a few minutes and be done, but once the waterworks started she couldn’t hold back the floodgates.

This really sucked.

Brenna came in and smoothed her hand over her brow, then laid down next to her, spooning her.

“You have to let it out, honey,” Brenna said. “When a man hurts you like that, the only thing you can do is cry.”

“I don’t want to cry over him,” she managed in between sobs.

“I know.” Brenna smoothed her hand over her hair. “But once you cry all these tears over how much he hurt you, you never have to cry another one over him again.”

She sniffed. “That sounds okay.”

So Brenna held her and Erin cried. Then Honor came in and climbed onto the bed and held her, too. And then Mom came in and laid Erin’s head in her lap and wiped her tears and let her blow her nose, and she cried some more until she gave herself a headache. Until she had no more tears to shed. Not today, anyway.

“Okay, enough. I’m done.” She sat up and her sisters slid off the bed. She took the dress and shoes off and Brenna and her mom put them away. That felt a little bit like closure, anyway. And maybe the crying had helped to release some of the pain.

Honor left the room and came back with some iced tea for all of them. Erin took several long swallows, feeling dehydrated from all the tears.

“Great,” she said, swiping at her eyes with a tissue. “Now I’m going to have puffy eyes for the party tonight.”

“No, you won’t,” Brenna said. “I have a gel mask in the freezer that’ll get rid of that puffiness in no time.”

“You still look pretty,” Honor said, sliding her hand over Erin’s hair.

“You always know the right thing to say,” Erin said. “But honestly, I’m a wreck.”

“All my girls are beautiful, even when you cry,” her mom said. “But Brenna’s right. A mask on your eyes will get rid of the puffiness. And God knows, Erin, you needed to cry it out.”

Erin nodded, then turned to Brenna. “Is that what you did when your marriage to Mitchell ended?”

Brenna nodded. “For days. And days. And then I never cried again. You need to get it out of you, Erin, or you’ll end up breaking down at the grocery store one day. Or the hair salon.”

“I know. And I do feel better now. Still sad, but better.”

“I imagine you’re going to feel sad Copyright 2016 - 2024