The Best Man Plan - Jaci Burton Page 0,49

this was a friend fling instead. She trusted Jason. And when this was over, they could go on being friends.

Simple, right?

He rolled over and gave her a very hot, sleepy smile.

“Want some coffee?”

“I’d love some coffee.”

He got out of bed and gave her the opportunity to ogle his extremely fine naked body. Her own body reacted viscerally with a rush of desire.

Down, girl. You have to get to work.

With a reluctant sigh, she left the bed, used the bathroom and got dressed.

“Coffee’s on,” Jason said as he met her in the hall. “And both the dogs are outside.”


He stopped and pressed her up against the wall, his hands all over her body as he kissed her and made her hot and needy and regretting the morning meeting. Because if she had her way they’d be back in his bed right now. And judging from the erection rubbing between her legs, that’s what he wanted, too.

She laid her hands on his chest. “I have a meeting this morning.”

He took a step back. “Dammit.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

“I’ll be back in a minute.”


She went into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee, opened the fridge and was happy to find cream in there. She added cream and inhaled the first few sips.

Her phone buzzed so she picked it up. It was Honor reminding her of the meeting this morning. She rolled her eyes. Like she’d forget. Jason’s phone was right next to hers so she heard it buzz. Her eyes widened when she saw Owen’s name light up on his phone. She couldn’t help but glance at the message.

Hey, Jason. Is Erin okay?

Her stomach dropped. She looked over at her phone, scrolling through her messages. One from her mom; one from her friend Alice; and one from Brenna.

Nothing from Owen. Owen, her ex-fiancé who’d left her two days before their wedding.

He hadn’t texted her. She assumed he was back in town and he hadn’t texted or called her to see how she was.

But he’d texted Jason asking about her.

That son of a bitch. That coward. How dare he?

Fury boiled inside of her. She slipped on her shoes, grabbed her purse and her keys and opened the door. Agatha and Puddy came in so she put on Agatha’s leash.

“Whoa,” Jason said as he came into the kitchen. “You’re leaving?”

“Yes. I’ve . . . gotta go.”

“So fast? I was going to make us breakfast.”

She couldn’t even find the words to tell him how upset she was right now. “I’ve gotta go, Jason.”

“What’s wrong?”

She was already at the door, but he followed. “Check your phone. You’ll figure it out.”


“I glanced at the message on your phone when it buzzed. I just can’t deal with that right now. I’ll talk to you later.”

She was out the door before he could say anything else, tears pricking her eyes as she got Agatha into the car and started it up.

No. She would not cry another tear over that bastard.

She turned onto the main road, focusing her attention on driving.

Of course Owen would have texted Jason instead of her. He couldn’t even face her to break up with her in person. Why did she think he would do that now, even with something as simple as a text?

Was he back in town? It had been over two weeks since their non-wedding. He was likely back and had been back. Had he come to talk to her, to explain his change of heart? No. He hadn’t. Maybe he never would. He probably intended to leave her wondering forever what the hell had happened to make him change his mind.

She turned onto the highway, shoving Owen out of her mind. She would not think about him. Not now, not ever. It was over. Why did she even care that he texted Jason?

Because his text had been about her, asking if she was okay.

No, she was not okay, dammit.

The display on her car brought up a call. It was Jason. She ignored it, knowing he wanted to talk to her about the message from Owen.

She couldn’t do it. Not now. Later, after she’d calmed down. Because she was most definitely not calm right now.

She pulled off the highway and made a turn, her stomach still in knots, her emotions a mess. She still had Jason’s scent on her, could still feel his touch and the warmth of his body against hers. And with one text, all the deliciousness had been wiped away.

They’d had such a perfect night together. And Owen had ruined Copyright 2016 - 2024