The Best Man Plan - Jaci Burton Page 0,17

so not like her normally reserved oldest sister. “Seriously.”

“Yes. I know I’m always the one to advise caution, but you should grab some happiness for yourself, especially right now. I did it all wrong after Mitchell and I divorced. And all I’ve been doing is hiding out ever since.”

Honor cracked a smile. “Now you’re talking, Brenna.”

“So does that mean you’re going to get out there and start dating again?” Erin asked, hopeful that her sister would do something other than run the vineyard with Dad.

“I have dated some, just not a lot. And I don’t know. We’ll see. I’m more interested in you getting back on your feet again.”

Erin stood and looked down at her feet. “Look at me. Back on my feet. Back to you, Brenna.”

“Funny.” Brenna stood. “I’m doing just fine. I have the vineyard, the garden, my friends, my other projects. I stay plenty busy.”

Brenna always had a project going on. She loved the vineyard, but she also loved planting vegetables with Mom, and there were fresh flowers in the house because the Bellini property had loads of flowers thanks to Brenna’s green thumb. And there was always something new and exciting to read in the library thanks to Brenna’s frequent trips to the bookstore in the city. And their family lineage on both the Bellini and Connor sides had been traced back to the eighteenth century thanks to Brenna’s detailed work on genealogy.

But what Erin wanted for Brenna was to put the pain of her divorce aside and find someone worthy of her love. She had so much of it to give.

“Those are things,” Honor said. “Projects to occupy your time. We both want you to be happy.”

Brenna held out her hands. “I am happy. And we aren’t talking about me. We’re talking about Erin.”

“I’m fine,” Erin said. “And I’ll take my love life—correction—sex life, into my own hands.”

Honor wrinkled her nose. “You might want to rephrase that.”

Realizing what it sounded like, Erin said, “Good point. I’ll go after what I want and I’ll get it.”

“Atta girl,” Brenna said. “As for me, I’ll take everything you both said under advisement.”

Which meant Brenna would consider being Brenna. But she hoped her sister would get out there and start dating again.

In the meantime, Erin had to figure out how to get Jason on board with her plan for hot revenge sex. Because she was going to do this. Do him.

She just had to get him to agree to it.



JASON FINISHED MEASURING, then cut the piece of wood he was going to use to fit to the deck he was building in the backyard. He nailed it to the pieces already in place, then measured for the next piece. He went back to the saw and swiped sweat from his face. It was damn hot, but he wanted to get as much of this deck done as he could before the sun went down.

Puddy had a ball in his mouth. He flung the ball up in the air, then did a terrible job of catching it. But since it rolled away, it was a fun game for him. At least his dog was good at amusing himself.

A truck rolled up in the driveway, so Puddy ran to the gate and wagged his tail. Clay Henry stepped out and came to the gate with his Labrador, Homer.

“Okay if we come back?” Clay asked.


He opened the gate and Homer shot in, immediately running amok with Puddy. They took off toward the back part of the property, both of them nearly running over each other.

Jason grinned at that.

“What brings you over this way?” Jason asked.

“I had to get a few things at the feed store, so I thought I’d stop by and see if you wanted to grab some dinner.”

“I thought Alice was in town.”

“She flew to LA this afternoon. She has a few client meetings set up, so she’ll be gone a couple of days.”

Jason grabbed a rag from his back pocket and wiped his hands. “Let’s go inside and get something cold to drink.”

“Sounds good.”

After he swiped the sawdust from his jeans, they walked inside and Jason washed his hands at the kitchen sink, then grabbed two beers from the fridge. They took seats at the kitchen table.

“So it’s working out okay for the two of you?” Jason asked.

Clay took a pull from his beer, then nodded. “Better than I’d hoped, actually. Alice has her office all set up at the house, and she teleconferences with a lot of her Copyright 2016 - 2024