Best Friend's Sister - Alexis Winter Page 0,88

his office.”

I can have Mr. Wallace’s office? I’ve only met him a few times, but even I know he’s untouchable here. He actually has a lot of pull when it comes to important business matters. Jeremy will never be able to touch me then.

I smile and stand, holding out my hand to shake. “I accept the position. Thank you, Mr. Mason.”

He smiles and stands, shaking my hand. “Ms. Teller?”


“Not to rush you into anything, but we’ll need you on the road first thing Monday morning. That only gives you the weekend to get your affairs in order.”

That does put a rush on things, but for the newfound perks, I can do it. “That’s completely understandable, Mr. Mason. I’ll head down to my office and start packing now. Thank you again for this opportunity, sir.” I turn and head for the door. I place my hand on the handle, but turn to him before exiting. “I expect your assistant will write up the terms we’ve agreed to and have the contract in my office by the end of the day?”

He laughs but nods his head as he runs his hand across his jaw. “Of course. I wouldn’t expect anything less when working in an office full of lawyers.”

I laugh nervously to myself as I step out, closing the door behind me. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves and the butterflies dancing around wildly in my belly. I pause for a brief moment, letting myself absorb it all as I calm down. His assistant turns to look at me from over her shoulder with a wide smile.

“Told ya,” she says with a wink.

I laugh. “I guess you were right after all.”

“He’s really not as scary as everyone thinks.”

“Thanks again. Have a good day,” I say, stepping toward the elevators as she picks up her phone to make a call.

When I get off on my floor, the whole office is standing and cheering for me. Several people huddle around me, telling me “congratulations” and wishing me the best. All but Jeremy, that is. I look over at his office and find him behind the glass, checking out what’s happening. He frowns at me before closing the blinds.

“Looks like we’ll have to wait a little longer for that date, after all,” Gavin says, coming up to me and pulling me in for a hug.

I smile, excited that everyone is so happy for me. We’ve really gotten close over the last year. “Not at all. Let’s do lunch,” I say, pulling away from his hug.

“Really?” he asks, a little unsure.

I nod, smile still in place. “Of course. I agreed to a date. Let’s do it.”

I spend my morning packing up my office. Before I know it, it’s going on noon and Gavin is knocking on my door.

“Come in,” I say, looking over my shoulder.

“I was thinking we could hit up that new Italian joint. Unlimited breadsticks,” he says around a smile.

I laugh. Just the thought of unlimited breadsticks is funny to me. I haven’t eaten bread or pasta in years. “Sounds perfect,” I agree, planning on sticking with a celebratory glass of wine and a salad.

Gavin leads me down to the parking garage and over to his Mercedes. He opens the passenger side door and motions for me to slide inside. Within minutes, we’re zooming through traffic on the crowded California freeway.

“So, Colorado, huh?” he asks as he weaves in and out of traffic.

I laugh. “Yeah, I never pictured myself wearing muddy boots and chewing on a piece of straw, but here we are.”

“How long are you going to be gone?”

“A year,” I reply.

“Wow, a whole year, huh? Now I’m suddenly hoping this date doesn’t go well.” He offers up a teasing smile. “I mean, not that I don’t like you or anything,” he continues.

I laugh out loud. “No, I understand. It would suck to have a great time only to put things on hold for a year. But hey, we might figure out that we can’t stand each other. So, here’s hoping,” I say.

He laughs at my stupid joke and the conversation continues its effortless flow as we pull into the parking lot at the restaurant.

When we’re seated, we start our meal with water and breadsticks. He immediately starts digging in, but I choose to sip my water.

“Not big on garlic?” he asks, raising a brow.

“I try to stay away from carbs. I spend way too many hours in spin class to throw it all away on a piece of Copyright 2016 - 2024