Best Friend's Sister - Alexis Winter Page 0,79

her shoes.

“Alright. Yell if you need anything,” I tell her, giving her a kiss on the head before closing the door between us. As I’m walking out the door, Drake walks in with his arms loaded with stuff.

“Just throw it anywhere. I’ll sort through it all later,” I tell him, going for a box of my own.

A couple hours pass, and both vehicles are unloaded while Drake and I sit out on the back porch drinking a beer.

“We probably need to fire the grill up,” Drake says, looking at his watch.

“Nah, I’m having the party catered.”

He looks over at me. “Really?”

I nod. “Hell yeah. I wanted to enjoy today and not have to worry about cooking and cleaning up. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Deven can barely stand up long enough to change, let alone, help cook and clean. And I can’t do the grill and the outside stuff at the same time. I’m amazing, but I’m not miracle worker.”

He laughs loud. “Right, I must have gotten those two things confused.”

Before I know it, the catering company is arriving and setting everything up. One person gets to work on the grill while three people work in the kitchen. There’s one person who works on snacks and sets them out on all the tables for the guests. Another person starts cooking for dinner while one cleans up. Our families start to arrive soon after.

Colton, Brennan, and the kids arrive. Milly goes out to the yard to play while they sit at the patio table, bouncing the twins on their lap. Celeste comes in with Tyler, and she hands Drake the baby the moment she walks out, going for a glass of wine.

I laugh, but Drake points at me.

“Just wait. You’re going to have three of these.”

I look at Colton and Brennan. They’re the only ones who have the slightest idea what we’re in for.

“Yeah, at least with us, we’re one on one. You guys are already outnumbered,” Brennan says.

Next to arrive is Destiny, Wyatt, Clay, and Autumn with all their kids. The place is crawling with children already, and I can’t wait until I have mine here to play with them. I go and help Deven up out of bed and to the bathroom before bringing her out of the porch to sit with the rest of us.

She greets everyone and has little polite chit-chat before pulling over the tray of appetizers all for herself. “Sorry, guys, I’m eating for four here.” She laughs out as she pops a nacho into her mouth. Just as the food is getting done, Brad and their mom make it over. Brad goes straight for the food while their mom heads straight for the kids and babies. She’s come a long way these last few months. She’s managed to get the manager position at the local grocery store, and she’s making enough money to provide for herself. She got an apartment in the same building as Brad, giving Brad back his personal space, which is a good thing since Brad and Abby seem to be getting more and more serious. I’m actually surprised that he didn’t bring her with him today.

I walk over to the buffet to stand next to him and pat him on the back. “Where’s Abby?” I ask, making a plate for Deven.

“Oh, she had plans today. Virginia is back to visit, and she didn’t want to leave her alone. I didn’t want to take it upon myself to invite her, given your history.”

I laugh. “What history? We had one date that went nowhere.”

“Well, you guys got along really well and you kissed.”

My mouth drops open. “I didn’t kiss her,” I admit, confused as to why he would think that.

“Yes, you did. She told Abby that you kissed her when you were dancing.”

“I didn’t dance with her. She danced with some guy at the bar who bought her six tequila shots.” I laugh. I specifically remember because I was so torn up over Deven that I barely even talked to her all night. She got annoyed with me and left me to go find a man that would talk to her.

He shrugs. “Huh, guess she got drunk and mixed you two up. Either way, I didn’t want my extremely pregnant sister to kick me in the balls for bringing her here.”

I laugh. “Yeah, probably for the best.”

The party goes smoothly, and everyone hangs out, eating, talking, and drinking until the sun goes down and the field around us grows dark. Copyright 2016 - 2024