The Best Friend Scandal - Lucia Jordan Page 0,39

night or because he was angry and embarrassed at how Arlo had pulled me out of the night club and threatened to fire them all. Either way, it seemed that most everyone was focused on the runway show and nothing else, which was perfect because I didn’t want any more drama. Plus, I was also getting a bit nervous.

I wasn’t at all concerned about my designs. In fact, I was too excited and thrilled that my outfits were about to be paraded in front of the eyes of fashion legends to second guess any of it. My work was excellent, and soon everyone would see it.

I was mostly worried about waking out on the runway to model the two dresses. Arlo was right; it might have been a bad idea. But it was too late to change my mind now.

After getting everyone else ready and settled, I went to go put on my own dress for the show. This model's dresses had been powerfully simple, so getting them on wasn’t difficult to do.

“You’re modeling?” Kerynne said as she walked over to me in her spectacular look. “Who said that you could model?”

“Arlo did,” I said, and I notice Cai’s grin from behind her.

“We were still short a model,” I said. “So, I offered to fill-in.”

“See?” Kerynne said as she turned to Cai. “This is why Luscious will never be as big as some of those other brands. Arlo has the potential to make billions more than he does, but instead of marketing his lines properly, he throws stray commoners onto the runway.”

Cai chuckled at her, and I ignored them both. He seemed to think that Kerynne was just her typical self-entitled norm, but Kerynne seemed to be much more offended than usual. I didn’t think she was pleased about having to share a runway with me. She became even more agitated when some of the other models began to give me a quick rundown of what to do on the catwalk. One of the girls showed me how to walk, and even Cai jumped in at the end to show me a few tricks for making impressive poses and turns at the end of the runway.

“I just don’t know what Arlo was thinking with this move,” Kerynne said as she stood and scowled at me. “He’s blowing this entire line release.”

“I hardly think that my wearing a dress or two in the show is going to blow the whole line,” I scoffed. I was getting incredibly tired of her constant attitude.

“That’s because you don’t know anything about how any of this works. You sit in your little workshop and make pretty things like a reclusive hermit. You think that being a model is easy, that we just throw on some clothes and prance around, but I can assure you that is not the case. Being a model is hard work, and we have all worked hard to get here. You think you’re just going to put on a dress and be able to do what I do?”

Kerynne threw her head back and laughed.

“Let me tell you; you can’t. You are going to walk like the mundane drought of a girl that you are, and it’s going to be an embarrassment for everyone here. Arlo followed some whim by thinking it would be cute to parade his designer friend around in a couple of her own outfits, and it’s going to come back to bite him in the ass when you bring his entire show crashing down.”

“Don’t you think you’re just a tad melodramatic again, Kerynne?” Cai said as he rolled his eyes at her.

“No, I think that I’m rightfully pissed-off that she’s going to ruin all of our reputations.”

“You’re just jealous,” Cai shot back at her.

“Jealous of what? This girl?” she huffed and flounced her hair over her shoulder, which made the stylist come running back over to fix it again. “Please, what in the world is there to be jealous of her about?”

“I don’t know,” Cai taunted. “Maybe the fact that Arlo would rather sleep with her than he would with you.”

I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. Why in the world would Cai say something like that? I frantically started to wonder what would make him think that Arlo would want to have sex with me. Surely, Cai was just saying that to piss Kerynne off and didn’t really have anything to back up that baseless claim. But I still couldn’t help to let myself wonder if Copyright 2016 - 2024