The Best Friend Scandal - Lucia Jordan Page 0,11

go tend to Kerynne’s emergency.

Kerynne acted as if the lightly touching tulle to her skin was akin to the end of a match that was burning her flesh. She was by far the most dramatic of any of the models that I had ever worked with. If she hadn’t been so beautiful, I would never have hired her. Plus, this group was a bit of a package deal. They were all friends socially as well as colleagues in the modeling business. They traveled like a pack, a bit like the clicks of popular kids in high school. They tended to accept jobs together and walk out of jobs together. If I lost one of them, I would lose them all.

“Ow!” Kerynne hollered at Hensley as Hensley was carefully trying to tac down some of the fabric's overreaching ends.

“I didn’t even touch you yet,” Hensley said.

Kerynne slapped her hand away. “You did. And my skin is worth more than your entire brain, so you’d better be more careful.”

The other models started to whine, too, following Kerynne’s lead and getting snarky about various bit and pieces of their clothing. I had let Hensley handle it for long enough to know that she was amazing and adept at this, but I didn’t need to stand by and let the models abuse my designer.

“Knock it off, Kerynne,” I said to her as I shot her a stern look of warning. “I’ll remind you that there are terms on your end of the contract to abide by, too. Harassing my designer is in violation of at least three of them.”

Hensley tried to hide a small smile when Kerynne huffed at me and then became silent. She let Hensley fix the tulle without another word. Then, Hensley went back to affixing a small headpiece of horns onto the top of Cai’s head. The outfit he was wearing was incredible. It was a deep-red satin suit that fit like a bodysuit with peasant sleeves. He looked every bit the part of some sort of woodland prince headed to an indulgent revelry.

“The crotch is too tight,” Cai said to her as he wriggled his pelvis toward her. “Can you fix it, please? I know that my massively bulging size is a visual delight, but I’d still like to be able to use it and would prefer this outfit not to damage my goods.”

Hensley finished making sure the headpiece was attached tightly and then put her hands on the stitching at the inner part of Cai’s thighs to loosen it and mark it for a wider restitch later. But when she was working along the seam so closely to his groin, Cai moved and rubbed himself against her hands. Hensley looked startled but didn’t move her hands away from his now-swelling cock because she still had the open seam between her fingers and didn’t want the fabric to pull. On the other hand, I wasn’t going to let him get away with what he was doing.

“Cai!” I said as I walked right up to him and pulled Hensley’s hand away.

She made a little shriek when she saw the thread begin to unwind at the seam.

“If you want to rub your dick on someone, I suggest you ask first next time. Otherwise, it will be my pleasure to ask Hensley to sew both of your balls together.” I was angry, and Cai could tell.

“Lighten up, Arlo,” he said. “We’re in a fantasy here, remember?” He shook the horns on his head at me as if they were bells and then looked over at Hensley. “Besides,” he smirked, “she enjoyed it, too.”

Before I could say anything else to him—which honestly, I probably would have ended up regretting because I could feel myself getting ready to lay into him with some choice words—Cai turned and walked away.

I always felt the need to protect Hensley. She was frequently hit on by guys with less-than-sincere motives, and she had trouble setting boundaries with guys in general. It was like she went through life just hoping that all the creeps would steer clear of her, but instead, she seemed to be a magnet for them.

“He’s going to tear it,” Hensley said, not even seeming to notice how completely inappropriate Cai’s overly flirtatious move was.

“Take it off, Cai,” I shouted across the room at him as he swaggered around, trying to show off the giant hole in his pants, which was now becoming an enlarged peephole to see his genitalia.

“Fine,” he moaned theatrically. He turned to Copyright 2016 - 2024