Besotted (The Fairest Maidens #3) - Jody Hedlund Page 0,83

couldn’t read her expression or her eyes, but I sensed she would want me to do whatever was necessary to end the queen’s cruel use of the white stone. In so doing, I’d not only save Warwick and Mercia but other nations from the queen’s threat.

With a nod at Aurora, one I hoped conveyed my love, I swiped the gold chest from the pedestal table, tipped it over, and let the stone hit the floor with a clatter.

Deny thyself. The challenge of my Testing resounded clearer than it ever had before. And I knew what I had to do.

“No!” Queen Margery yelled.

In the same moment, I swung my axe down with all my might, aiming for the center. As the blade connected, the stone shattered. A surge vibrated through the axe up into my torso, but I ignored it, flipped my axe over to the blunt end, and swung again and again with hard blows, the practice of many months holding me in good stead.

From the corner of my eye, I could see the queen racing around the table, followed by the priests. But each slam of the axe head was sure and swift, crushing the rock into hundreds of fragments that could never be put back together.

With every swing, the strange surge coursed through me, making me light-headed. When the queen shoved me a moment later, I toppled backward and fell to my knees on the prayer cushion. She paid me no heed and knelt above the shattered stone, crying out her dismay.

Dizziness hit me again, this time in a wave that sent my senses reeling, as though I were setting sail on a voyage upon a rough sea. I tried to push myself up. I needed to get to Aurora, cut her bindings, and usher her out of the chapel. She still wasn’t safe. Even if the queen no longer needed Aurora’s heart, she still had every reason to kill her in order to take control of Mercia.

I tried to climb up but couldn’t make my muscles work. I was too tired.

Queen Margery’s cries continued to rise into the air with increasing intensity. Aurora called out for help.

With every last ounce of strength I could muster, I grabbed on to the prayer railing and staggered to my feet. But the dizziness was too blinding. The only thing I could make out was Jorg sprinting down the aisle toward me with Chester on his heels.

“Save Aurora.” My voice was breathless and tight, as though the sea had swallowed me and wouldn’t allow me to speak.

Jorg paused by my side, his keen gaze sweeping over me. For once, I was glad he couldn’t see the extent of my injuries. “Go on. Save her,” I managed. “And lock up the queen.”

In an instant, he disarmed the queen and twisted her arms behind her back while the priests cowered against the wall. Chester was already at the altar cutting away Aurora’s bindings.

The blackness of the depths rose within me, and I could no longer fight it off. Now that Aurora was safe, I could go to the grave in peace.




I pushed up from the altar and threw my arms around Chester. He hugged me hard in return. “Thank you, Chester.” Tears spilled down my cheeks.

“None of that now.” Chester drew back and ripped a piece of linen from his cloak. “We’re not free yet.”

I swiped at my cheeks as he lifted the linen to the cut at my neck.

Kresten took a step toward us. His cornflower-blue eyes met mine. Though clouded, they were full of love. For me. I didn’t understand his revelation about being a prince, and I didn’t understand how he’d come to be here at the lodge in the middle of rescuing me. But none of it mattered.

What mattered was that we were both safe.

Chester helped me down from the altar, and I started toward Kresten, needing to feel his arms about me more than anything. But he wavered, closed his eyes, and crumpled, almost hitting his head on the prayer railing.

I couldn’t contain a half gasp, half scream. Chester bolted toward Kresten, laying him out and turning him on his back. He put his fingers against Kresten’s neck. And as I knelt next to them, Chester slapped Kresten’s cheeks. “Come on. Just giving you a little of that loving care you gave me after crossing the pit.”

Kresten didn’t move.

Chester glanced around and then froze at the sight of the golden box and crushed stone all around it on Copyright 2016 - 2024