Besotted (The Fairest Maidens #3) - Jody Hedlund Page 0,72

amongst the camp save Pearl, who was deep in conversation with several men, including Mikkel and Vilmar.

Disappointment fell upon me as heavily as a tree toppling the wrong direction. Although I’d known catching the queen’s men who had Aurora would be nigh to impossible, I’d hoped my brothers would accomplish it anyway.

At the sight of us, calls arose. Mikkel and Vilmar broke away from the others and strode toward us, their expressions grim. They didn’t need to say anything for me to know the situation was serious.

I reined in abruptly and slid down, praying we weren’t too late.

Jorg was at my side in an instant, handing me my cane and relieving me of the box with the weasels.

“Tell me,” I demanded. “Does she yet live?”

“We believe so.” Vilmar spoke first, his eyes radiating compassion.

I sagged against my cane.

Mikkel nodded in the direction of a stone complex at the center of the clearing. “The queen’s ambassador, Lord Anise, was here this morn and has already returned.”

Not as majestic or large as a castle, Boarshead Lodge was still an imposing fortress on higher ground with a series of connected buildings surrounding a center bailey.

A deep, dark ditch filled with blackened, gnarled limbs circled the lodge. The pit was wider than I’d expected, too long to span with a log, ladder, or some other method that would allow us to cross over. I didn’t have to see inside to know it was home to a host of basilisks. The barren, scorched land on either side of the pit showed the telltale signs of the deadly creatures.

A gatehouse stood at the center of the lodge, containing a strange-looking drawbridge with high wooden sides, likely to protect those crossing it from the basilisks. The bridge was securely retracted, giving us no way to enter except through the basilisk pit.

“What news did the ambassador deliver?” I asked. “Is the queen willing to accept the keys to the treasure in exchange for Aurora?”

Mikkel shook his head. “He says the queen is willing but won’t permit us to see Aurora until we deliver the keys.”

Chester had dismounted and stood by my side. “Then we can’t know for certain if she still lives.”

“Lord Anise assured us of Aurora’s safety and comfort, that the queen intends to hold her until we are able to present her with the keys.”

“We cannot believe anything Lord Anise says,” Pearl called as she strode toward us, her beautiful green eyes flashing with frustration. “The queen is only attempting to lull us into inactivity, thereby buying herself more time.”

Mikkel and Pearl locked gazes, their bodies rigid, tension radiating between them.

“Do you have the weasels?” Pearl directed her question at me.

I nodded, but before I could speak, Mikkel interrupted. “We’ve discussed the matter at length, and even with the weasels, it’s too dangerous. We don’t know if they’ll eliminate all the basilisks.”

“’Tis a chance we have to take,” Pearl stated.

“It’s a chance I’m not willing to take with you.”

Vilmar’s raised brow told me this argument had been ongoing between Mikkel and his bride for some time, that they were both too stubborn to come up with a solution.

“We must attack as soon as possible,” Pearl insisted. “You know as well as I do the queen cannot be trusted.”

“I realize she won’t give us Aurora, not without a fight. But if we hold off another day or two until the contingent arrives from Delsworth, we’ll not only have additional forces, but we’ll be able to see if the weasels indeed slay the basilisks.”

I bent and picked up one of the weasel cages. “We’ll release the weasels under cover of darkness tonight, then I’ll be the one to cross over and test the safety of the ditch.”

Chester retrieved the other two cages. “I’ll go with Kresten.”

“As will I,” Pearl added with haste.

Mikkel scowled. “No.”

“I know the hunting lodge and will be able to guide them to Aurora.”

Mikkel shook his head fiercely. “You need only instruct them on the layout of the complex and they’ll be able to navigate without you.”

“My father made me memorize the details.” Chester’s voice was edged with exasperation. “I need no guide.”

Muttering, Chester stalked away, and Mikkel did likewise in the opposite direction.

Pearl watched her husband retreat, her features taut with frustration. I sensed her angst went deeper than she was revealing. Of course, she wanted to rescue her sister, Ruby. Mikkel had already shared the details about the first failed effort in Kensington, the attempt that had nearly cost them both their lives. Copyright 2016 - 2024