Besotted (The Fairest Maidens #3) - Jody Hedlund Page 0,69

before I could speak, his voice low and raw. “She was upset at me because I took the letter she left for you that explained our departure.”

As much as I liked knowing she’d been thinking about me, such a note would have been dangerous if it had fallen into the wrong hands. “She shouldn’t have left it. You did the right thing in taking it so no one would trail you.”

“I could have told her instead of sneaking it away. And I could have been more sensitive to how hard the parting was.” Regret etched every line of his rugged face.

“You had her best interests at heart, and I respect you for that.”

“I should have known someone at Huntwell Fortress was working for Queen Margery and feeding her information. Should have known the queen’s men would be right on our trail. Should have waited for more knights to join in the escort before going.”

“You couldn’t know—”

“I was a fool.”

“If not for me, you would have waited at the cottage where she was safe.”

“No, I’d already contemplated leaving. I’d seen evidence of soldiers having entered from the western ridge. Our time there was running out.”

“You did what you thought was best.”

He expelled a sigh. “I should have trusted her judgment. She’s intelligent and strong and careful. If she’d sensed something about your character that didn’t measure up, she wouldn’t have fallen in love with you.”

Such a statement coming from Chester was indeed high praise. “I’m no saint. Clearly I was too weak to walk away from her when I should have. Although you should know, I never intended to come to the cottage. With the severity of my injury, Jorg felt we had no other choice.”

“He was protecting you as he ought to.”

“Perhaps.” Regardless, I understood Chester’s reservations so much better now that I knew Aurora was royalty. “You were doing your duty and were right to question my motives and purpose. I would expect nothing less of you.”

“But I shouldn’t have questioned her motives, should have supported her.”

I didn’t know how to respond to his admission. Even if he had supported her, what good could have come from it? Our love was destined to end in heartache, and surely he knew that.

He withdrew the hare from the heat again, tested it, then sliced off a slab and handed it to me on the tip of his knife. I stabbed the piece onto my knife, then bit off a chunk. It was hot and tender and juicy, and would hopefully renew my energy to ride the rest of the night through.

“Her husband has already been chosen for her,” Chester said after swallowing a bite of the meat. “But it might be possible for you to go before her father and advisors to present yourself as an option. They wouldn’t shun a match with one of Scania’s princes. In fact, maybe such a match is already arranged.”

“’Tis possible.” I chewed but couldn’t taste the meat any longer. I twisted my knife around and stared at the remaining portion.

The fire crackled in the ensuing silence, and I could feel him watching me and waiting for me to say more.

“The truth is”—I spun the knife again—“if I live through the upcoming battle for Aurora, I expect I shall become the next king of Scania. Mikkel and Vilmar deserve the throne more than I do and have prepared for taking the leadership of Scania. But the rules of our Testing state that we must complete the six-month challenge to be eligible for consideration.”

“They are still here. Everything that is happening is still a testing, a challenge, is it not?”

“We were each given specific places to live for our Testing as well as specific challenges. If they abandon their place and challenge, they forfeit any claim to the throne.”

“So now you are duty bound to take Scania’s throne even though you have no desire for it?”

I hesitated in my response but finally met his gaze directly. “Before beginning my Testing, I would have done whatever pleased me without regard to anyone else. But I have been trying to live out my challenge to deny myself these past months. I may have failed to deny myself Aurora in the short term, but I know I must sacrifice my desires for her in order to rule my country. It may kill me to do so, but I shall accomplish this duty.”

Chester held my gaze for a long moment. When he nodded, I sensed not only his acceptance but Copyright 2016 - 2024