Besotted (The Fairest Maidens #3) - Jody Hedlund Page 0,65

to resume our frantic chase.

Pearl grabbed my horse’s bridle and prevented me from leaving. I wanted to shake off her hold and spur my horse onward, but in my haste, I wasn’t willing to chance hurting her.

She hadn’t taken her narrowed gaze from Chester. “You must believe me that we cannot count on Mercia’s ambassadors to negotiate her release. The queen is duplicitous and will say one thing but do another.”

Chester pressed his lips together and stared into the forest. Once again, his lack of protest stirred my despair.

Mikkel spoke before I could. “We must work together to rescue her. ’Tis the only option if we hope to defeat the queen.”

Chester shifted in his saddle. “I will not stop you if you wish to accompany me.”

The determination in his eyes was like flint and sparked a fire inside me. “Wait.” My command rang out. “If we fail to intercept Aurora, then we must have a way to get past the basilisks and into the lodge.”

“How do you propose we do so?” Mikkel asked.

“Weasels.” I met Chester’s gaze, hoping he’d understand my proposal.

Chester paused, then gave a curt nod. “’Tis possible.”

Mikkel leveled a stern look at me. “Explain yourself.”

“Chester has the expertise in weasels, and I give him leave to explain.”

Chester bowed his head slightly at me before speaking. “In studying the old texts, my father learned weasels are the sole creatures able to slay a basilisk. He populated the forest surrounding Queen Aurora’s hiding place with weasels, and we never once had a basilisk trouble us.”

“He speaks the truth,” Vilmar said. “During the hike past the ravine, Ty and I saw no evidence of any basilisks. It was as if we’d stepped into another part of the forest altogether.”

Mikkel studied Chester and then me, clearly weighing the options. “You suggest bringing weasels to the lodge?”

“Aye,” Chester said. “The weasel is immune to the basilisk’s venomous vapors. The basilisk also cannot abide the scent of the weasel’s urine. The weasel uses the noxious odor to trap the basilisk before biting it. Most often the basilisk also bites the weasel, and both creatures die.”

“So, if we have any hope of being successful, we must have an equal number of weasels to match the number of basilisks surrounding the lodge?”

“I cannot say whether or not releasing weasels into the basilisk pit will work to give us a way inside the hunting lodge, but I agree with Prince Kresten that we must try.”

“And does anyone know how many basilisks surround the lodge?” Mikkel glanced at the others of our party who’d now gathered around us.

“At least a dozen,” Princess Pearl said. “I have not been there in recent years, but I hunted there oft with my father. I know the grounds well and can lead us wherever we need to go inside—if we are able to pass through the basilisks.”

Mikkel nodded. “Then we must capture a dozen or more weasels. How shall we accomplish it?”

“At the cottage?” I addressed my question to Chester. “Is it possible there?”

“Aye.” Chester guided his horse back a few steps. “My men will ride with you to continue the chase after Queen Aurora, and I’ll go back to the cottage to trap as many weasels as I can. They’re accustomed to my presence and will not frighten easily at my approach.”

Though the plan wasn’t solid or even viable, it was the best we had.

“You’ll need help.” Vilmar was mounting his horse. “I’ll come along—”

“No,” I interrupted. “Jorg and I shall go with Chester. We know the forest there better than any of you. Thus, we are better equipped to aid him in tracking the weasels and in transporting them to the lodge.”

Chester didn’t protest my offer, which I took for his acquiescence.

I didn’t want to stop chasing after Aurora. But my brothers and the rest of the men would be able to track her without me. They didn’t need my help. However, Chester did if he had any hope of capturing enough weasels and making it to the lodge before the queen killed Aurora.

I pinned my most serious gaze upon my brothers. “If you cannot rescue Aurora before she is locked away inside Boarshead, you must begin Mercia’s negotiations for her life. Stall Queen Margery. Do whatever you must to ensure she doesn’t slay Aurora.”




A throbbing in my temple woke me. For long seconds, I couldn’t think and could hardly breathe. At a jarring motion, I tried to turn my head, but instant pain made me cry out—except my Copyright 2016 - 2024