Besotted (The Fairest Maidens #3) - Jody Hedlund Page 0,6

ought to make my getaway while I still could, but his offer intrigued me. “Truly any twig?”

“Truly any.”

I studied the surrounding trees and located a misshapen limb high up in a nearby oak. I pointed at it. “What about that one?”

He covered his eyes to shield them from the morning sun as he followed my direction. “The twisted one with the nodules?”

“Yes. Precisely.”

He lifted the hem of his tunic, yanked the fabric, and then ripped it with a loud rending.

I jumped back, wariness returning with full force.

He finished slicing off the strip. Then he dangled it out to me. “Blindfold me.”

I hid my hands behind my back.

He extended the strip even farther. “Use this linen to cover my eyes, and I’ll sever the branch without looking.”

I glanced again at the limb I’d singled out and then back at him. Such a cut would be difficult with two good eyes. It would be impossible without sight. “You must be jesting.”

“I’m entirely serious.” His hand didn’t waver as he held out the linen.

This man seemed to have a knack for piquing my interest. I tentatively took the cloth from him. “Very well. Since you apparently enjoy making a fool of yourself, I shall indulge your endeavor.”

His grin made an appearance, one that lit up his eyes and gave him a boyish aura. “You’re too kind, my lady.” He used the proper address flippantly. At least, I thought he did. He didn’t recognize me as one nobly born, did he?

He knelt again and bowed his head, waiting for me to blindfold him. Dare I engage with him further, or should I use the opportunity to flee?

At the humble bend of his head and the view of his handsome profile, I approached him, unwilling to part ways yet, though I knew I should. I draped the cloth around his eyes, winding it until I was able to tie it behind his head. I tried to be careful not to make contact with him, but my fingers brushed his hair nonetheless, and I was surprised at the softness of the strands.

Once finished, I clasped my trembling fingers. I didn’t think I was afraid of him. I was more overwhelmed by the realization I was interacting with a man, something I’d dreamed about but hadn’t expected to do until I returned to Delsworth.

“Ready, my lady?” he asked gently, as though he sensed my trepidation and feared he might frighten me away.

Was I ready? I swallowed hard and pushed away my misgivings for a final time. “Very well. If you insist.”

“I insist.” He climbed to his feet.

I took a step back, intending to give him plenty of room to accomplish the throw.

But he fumbled at the air as though searching for me. “At the least, you’ll need to point me in the right direction.”

Would I be required to touch him again? I cautiously reached for him, then drew back at the last second.

He held out his hand, palm up. “Come on with you. Just a nudge.”

I stared at his thick calluses, the sign he was indeed a woodcutter, wielding his axe day after day. Maybe I was worrying for naught.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I wrapped my hand over his. As my skin made contact with his, I sucked in a rapid breath. And when he encircled his fingers lightly around mine, I was rendered immobile. I stood watching him, taking in his face again. Even with his blindfold, he was striking, so much so that my heart raced forward at an unsteady pace.

“My lady?” he asked after a moment, a smile tugging at his lips.

Did he sense how his presence affected me? Giving myself a shake, I pivoted him until he was facing the tree. Then I jerked my hand free and tangled it within my skirt. Even then, the warmth of his touch remained.

He seemed much too calm. He lifted his chin and attempted to gain his bearings but did so gracefully, as if he made an everyday occurrence of meeting young women in the forest and proving his worth.

Since he wore the blindfold, I studied him unabashedly, glad for the few moments to admire him without his knowledge. He likely had many women who fancied him, perhaps even had a girl somewhere interested in marrying him.

“I’m not sure I can concentrate with you staring at me so intently.”

I dropped my gaze, a flush stealing through me. “You can see through the blindfold?”

“No. I vow I cannot.”

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