Besotted (The Fairest Maidens #3) - Jody Hedlund Page 0,43

wrapped her cloak more securely and slipped outside before Aunt Idony could object. I followed her, breathing deeply, the air heavy with the scent of the charcoal burning in the kilns.

Jorg started across the clearing, giving us the semblance of privacy, except a glance over my shoulder showed both Aunt Idony and Aunt Elspeth standing in the open doorway watching us. I waved at them, and Aunt Elspeth waved back with a tear-filled smile.

Rory ambled quietly, almost shyly, beside me. I slowed my steps to match hers, which wasn’t hard with my limp.

“I shall pray for your safe return,” she whispered once we were out of earshot of her aunts.

“And I shall pray the next month passes swiftly.” My whisper came out more impassioned than I’d intended, earning a small smile.

“If you are ever close by, please come to visit. Even if only for a short while.”

“I shall, but I noticed your aunts didn’t extend such an invitation, and I have the feeling Chester hopes he’ll never see me again.”

We reached the edge of the forest all too quickly, even with our slowest pace. Jorg had already started in the direction of the ravine, but I stopped, unable to make my feet move another inch forward.

Rory darted a look over her shoulder toward the cottage, and I did likewise, surprised to find that the aunts had gone back inside and closed the door behind them. She hugged her arms above her cloak, the chill of the night still lingering, especially in the long shadows of the woodland where we stood.

“Will you try to come before All Saints’ Day?”

The holy day fell on the first of November. My Testing ended the day before on All Hallows’ Eve. “Yes. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, I’ll come on All Saints’ Day.”

“Good. Then I shall be waiting.” Her smile came out in full force, as beautiful as the sunshine slanting through the changing leaves.

Seeing that we were alone, I reached for her hand. Now was my opportunity to tell her the truth about who I was and the kind of life she would have with me.

However, the moment my fingers connected with hers, she stiffened and slanted a look first at the cottage and then the path leading to the kilns.

“Rory.” I tried to work up the courage to do the right thing.

Before I could express myself, she pulled ahead of me and dragged me into the woods. I was too surprised by her bold move to do anything but follow like a docile steed.

When we’d gone no more than a dozen paces, she halted, then peered back at the clearing that was still very much in our view. Then, to my surprise again, she tugged me into the shelter of a towering maple, the width of the trunk shielding us from the view of the cottage.

She tripped over a root and tumbled against me. I dropped my sack and the other items to catch her. The rogue inside me couldn’t pass up an opportunity to hold her one last time before we parted. And instead of merely steadying her as I knew I ought, I wrapped my arms around her and drew her near.

She didn’t resist but raised her face, her eyes wide and expectant.

“Rory. I must tell you something—”

She pressed a finger to my lips and silenced me with her merest touch. “We do not have much time for our farewell.”

“No, we do not—”

This time she silenced me by rising to her toes and brushing her lips against mine for the briefest instant before pulling back and studying my reaction.

If I showed the least surprise, she’d probably grow embarrassed and dart away. Instead, I remained motionless, except for allowing a slow grin, and waited for her to make the next move.

She hesitated, clearly uncertain whether her initiative was proper. I relaxed against the tree, hoping she could sense that I welcomed—no, craved—her affection.

An instant later, she leaned in and pressed her lips to mine again, this time with more force.

I needed no further invitation. I dipped in and fused my lips to hers. She’d been the one to corner me and initiate the kiss. Did that mean she’d been thinking about our kiss from the previous day?

Maybe she hadn’t been able to stop reliving the kiss any more than I had. Regardless, I let myself indulge in this moment, in the sweetness of her lips and the delicacy of her taste. It stirred the love and passion that had been growing, so that Copyright 2016 - 2024