Besotted (The Fairest Maidens #3) - Jody Hedlund Page 0,34

adamantly opposed,” he whispered, but without moving back, “then I guess I shall stop.”

“No.” The one word was breathless with anticipation.

The blue of his eyes darkened. And he drew closer, so that the warmth of his breath hovered above my lips. Did he intend to kiss me? I’d never experienced anything like this and wasn’t sure how to react. Did I want his kiss?

My body tensed with need. Yet, I hesitated. Though neither of my aunts had spoken of kissing or showing physical affection, I understood that a kiss wasn’t something to give away lightly. It was a precious means of connecting with someone special. And I’d always imagined I’d share my first kiss with the man I planned to wed.

Alas, I couldn’t marry Kresten. Simply couldn’t. Or could I? Could he come with me and stand by my side during the uncertain days ahead? Or what if I stayed here and let my father continue to rule as regent in my stead?

“Rory?” His whisper brushed my lips.

At the opening of the door in the other room, I jumped back, nearly toppling from my stool. I hastened to steady myself and pretended to study the board, noting from the corner of my eye that Kresten was doing the same.

Aunt Elspeth sat forward with a start, mumbling something incoherent under her breath.

Chester’s heavy footfalls thudded through the living area.

I situated myself even farther away from the board and braced myself for his censure.

An instant later, he appeared in the doorway. “What’s going on here?”

I wanted to hang my head at the anger in his tone, but I forced myself to move one of my army pieces. “We are finishing our game.”

“I told you no visits unless I was inside the cottage.”

“Aunt Elspeth is chaperoning.”

I was thankful the dear woman had awakened and was now sitting forward, her eyes wide open. “No need to worry, Chester sweeting. I’ve been watching them except for a few seconds when I gave my eyes a rest.”

Even though my turn had come and gone, I kept my focus on the board, unable to look at Kresten lest in doing so I gave myself away. And unable to look at Chester for fear he’d see the truth of how much I liked Kresten.

“I don’t know why you cannot listen to reason.” Chester’s statement was loaded with frustration.

“And I do not know why you cannot stop treating me like a helpless child.” I situated an off-center piece in the middle of its square. “I am a grown woman and do not require you overseeing my every action.”

Chester pressed his lips together, likely to keep from saying something about how I was the queen of Mercia and in need of more protection than the average woman.

What if I just wanted to lead a normal life?

Such a thought was traitorous. Especially after how diligently Aunt Idony and Aunt Elspeth had labored to prepare me for the task of ruling and leading a royal life.

Aunt Elspeth rose clumsily from her chair and ambled to the door. “Don’t worry, dear heart. Let the two enjoy the company while it lasts. For all too soon it will be over.” She patted Chester’s cheek before she continued into the other room.

A moment later, the whirring and clacking of the loom indicated that she was back at her weaving.

Chester beckoned me with his hand. “Come now.”

“All too soon it will be over.” Protest welled up within. I didn’t want it to be over, not when it had just begun.

“We must give the patient a break,” Chester insisted.

I expected Kresten to make a witty comment about how he was fine and didn’t want or need a break from me. But he focused on the board, his forehead lined and his brows knit. Was he thinking about Aunt Elspeth’s words too?

Kresten moved one of his pieces. He set it down next to my king, then rested against the cushions. “Game over.”

I watched him, waiting for him to look up, grin at me, suggest another game—anything. But he crossed his arms behind his head and closed his eyes.

The silence in the chamber grew stifling. And a strange hurt pricked inside.

“All too soon it will be over.” When it was over, this was how it would feel, except worse. Maybe it was time to stop ignoring the fact that we had no future. Maybe it was time to stop pretending today was all that mattered. And maybe it was time to stop giving away my heart—although a part of Copyright 2016 - 2024