Beside Two Rivers - By Rita Gerlach Page 0,92

every starlit night that had come and gone gathered together. Time had passed quickly since the last moment she saw him retreating from her, as she stood at the rail of a ship.

He wished her no more, stopped loving her, and banished her to an unknown fate that promised ill. Darcy, their child, was the property of her father, and she would be denied her, forced to live a secluded, lonely life.

She whispered, “I came to you long ago. Now you come to me. How sad it is—the years that have separated us.”

Ethan touched her on the shoulder. “Who is it, Eliza? What is it you say?”

Her hand covered her trembling mouth. “Oh, sweet Lord.”

“You know those men?”

“I know one man.” She nodded. “It is Hayward.”

A surge of strength passed through her and she dashed from the room, down the staircase with her hand sliding along the railing. She reached the door, Ethan behind her, and flung it open. She stepped out and stood still upon the threshold. Hayward lifted his head and freed from his guardians, fell to his knees before her. The wind swept back her hair, and she stared down into his eyes with all the old feelings of rejection rising to the surface. How painful it still remained that he had not forgiven her for succumbing to another man’s affections and by it bearing a child—a daughter lost so young.

Ethan stood beside her, and when overcome by the sight before her, Eliza’s knees buckled. He held her up and laid her head against his shoulder.

“Eliza is not able to face this, sir. Perhaps you should leave. Return later when she has recovered.”

Hayward’s eyes filled and sorrow covered his face. “Please, young sir. I have come so far.”

Reverend Reed stepped forward. “And he is not long for this world.”

Eliza’s heart plunged to a deeper depth of sorrow. She could not turn her face to look at him and allowed tears to burn her eyes as they had so many times before. “He rejected me and may have had no heart to forgive me. But mine remains true to my husband. Yet, I cannot speak to him now.”

Reed stepped closer. The verger helped Hayward to his feet. “Madam, Mr. Morgan has made great pains to seek you out. He is an ill man as you can see by his countenance. Will you not allow us to bring him inside? He has no other place to go.”

Eliza drew away from Ethan, and took in a deep breath. She moved forward and Hayward reached out, gripped her hand, and kissed it with ardent fervor. Slowly she drew it away.

Ethan helped Hayward stand. “Of course, sir. Bring the gentleman inside.” He aided Hayward through the doorway, while Eliza stood aside.

In the foyer, Fiona stood back with her hand at her throat and her eyes round as saucers. “I cannot believe my eyes. ’Tis Mr. Hayward.”

“A posset, Fiona,” said Eliza. “And anything else you can think of that might give Mr. Hayward comfort.”

Fiona hurried away, muttering beneath her breath and glancing back over her shoulder.

Ethan regarded Eliza with a great deal of anxiety. “Eliza?”

She nodded. “I am shaken, Ethan. I never expected he would come to me. I thought I’d been long forgotten.”

“Obviously not. And this explains the letters.”

“He must have had them with him, and then they were stolen. Do you think that?”

“I do, and you can see he has suffered.” He turned and saw the verger help Hayward to the settee. Reverend Reed crossed the room and drew Ethan aside. Eliza went to Hayward, and picking up a throw that lay across the settee, tucked it over his body.

“Where did you find him?” Ethan asked.

“We were called to Havendale, sir.”

“Then Miss Darcy—why did she not come with you?”

“It is urgent I unfold to you the sequence of events that have occurred this day, sir,” Reed said. “For I believe Miss Darcy to be in a most desperate situation.”

A tremor shot through Ethan. “Tell me, sir.”

“I was requested at Havendale after she sent Mrs. Burke, who told me of Mr. Morgan’s unexpected arrival and condition. Seeing the moment was not to lose, I traveled to Havendale with my verger, Mr. Snead. Miss Darcy would have sent word to Fairview for you and the lady to come, but she feared Mr. Langbourne would not allow you entrance, and do harm to her father.”

“But why has Darcy not come with you?” Ethan asked once more.

“She was prevented.”

“By whom?”

“Mr. Langbourne.”

Ethan drew in a breath. Copyright 2016 - 2024