Beside Two Rivers - By Rita Gerlach Page 0,21

His mind raced, thinking over the incidents that had occurred, over his commission by another, and the secret he must guard. His pulse pounded in rhythm to the horse’s pace. Could it be possible to love Darcy so soon? He had journeyed thousands of miles across ocean and land to see her, and now his heart lay within her hands.

It was up to her whether she would treat it gently—or break it.


The following day, Darcy watched streamers of sunlight cross the walls and paint them a shade lighter than the marigolds that bloomed in her window box. A pair of goldfinches fluttered close to the blossoms, then darted away. But the sparrows remained perched on the edge of the sill where she had placed some breadcrumbs.

From her dresser drawer she took out her journal, opened it, and drew away the scarlet cord that marked the last page where she had made an entry. She wrote: Last night, I dreamt black water swirled around me, sucking me down, pulling me into the current as a dark wanton hand reached up through the water and grabbed my limbs in a frantic effort to own me. I could not breathe. My lungs felt as if they would burst, then I woke and sat up gasping. Once I had quieted, seeing I was safe at home, I lay back down and thought of Ethan, how he had redeemed me from the demanding river and risked his life for mine.

She closed her journal and stepped over to the window. Toward the house rode Ethan on the same horse on which he had carried her home. She stepped back from the window, smoothed her dress and hair, and hurried downstairs to the sitting room.

She peeked around the edge of the curtain and watched him dismount and step up to the door. As she waited, she heard the door open and Missy greet him. Then his footsteps echoed out in the hallway and she turned when he was announced.

His eyes were warm upon her. “Are you well?” he said, stepping closer.

“Yes, I am well, thank you.”

“I am pleased to hear it.”

She invited him to sit, but he preferred to stand. She sat in the chair and looking up at him said, “It is a long ride from Twin Oaks, two days in a row.”

He shifted on his feet. “The Rhendons send their regards and hope that you are recovered from your accident.”

A flash of heat coupled with dread rose within her. “You told them? Everyone knows?”

“I only told Daniel, and at dinner he let it out. I am sorry.”

“You have no reason to apologize. But I imagine they must think I am reckless.”

“What you did was careless, going out as far as you did.”

“Yes, I suppose it was.”

“There is no need to treat yourself harshly for it. A person cannot always predict danger.” He moved to a chair across from her, sat down and gazed at her with eyes that showed grave concern. “Swear to me you won’t do it again.”

She looked back at him. “I shall keep to the riverbank from now on.”

“You wouldn’t want it to happen twice.”

“No, I would not, but you do not know the river like I do.”

“You could have drowned, and you think you know the river so well. Think of the pain that would have caused your family and friends.”

She glanced away, biting her lower lip. “The river draws me. It is the one place I can go to be alone, to think, to dream, to pray.”

Without smiling, he said, “Well, Miss Morgan, the river might have ended all that.”

She brushed back a curl that tickled her cheek. “If you had not come along when you did, I fear to think what would have happened to me.”

“You must be more careful. At least do not go there alone.”

“I have learned my lesson, I assure you.”

He turned his hat between his hands. “Have you any plans today?”

“Yes. My uncle wishes me to collect wildflower heads.”

“For what purpose?”

“His book. He paints them, you see, and writes about them. He is a botanist by profession, and is documenting the flowers that grow along the river.”

“May I accompany you?”

“If you do not find such a venture boring.”

She stood and went out into the hallway. Ethan followed. She sat on the bottom step of the staircase and pulled on her walking boots. “My aunt is busy in the kitchen with my cousins. They are making jams today.”

“And your uncle?”

“In his study working.” She grabbed her Copyright 2016 - 2024