THE BENNETTS' CHRISTMAS (The Bennett Family and the Masters Family #6) - Brenda Jackson Page 0,67

of it, she and her cousin Kennedy had planned to go to the movies tonight, but Kennedy’s husband had surprised her by returning to town earlier than expected. Sebrina was saying that she understood and that she would just go to the movies alone.

Parker backed out of the kitchen, figuring he’d heard more than he should have. But then, wasn’t he going to the movies alone as well? There was no reason they couldn’t go together, was there? Hadn’t they,

just that morning, agreed to be friends? It wouldn’t be a date per se, but just a platonic outing to the movies. There was only one problem. Two women were likely going to see a chick-flick rather than a superhero action movie. Still, if Sebrina had her heart set on a chick-flick, he’d find a way to sit through it.

The goal was to do things that might weaken their attraction, being friends and not lovers. A movie date was a good start. Coming up with plan, he moved back toward the kitchen, this time whistling to alert her of his presence.


SEBRINA HEARD PARKER WHISTLING and butterflies erupted in her stomach. She turned around the moment he walked into the kitchen, so she didn’t have time to prepare for what she saw. She’d always thought he was handsome but at that moment, dressed in a pair of dark slacks and a buttoned-down shirt, he was striking.

His tapered slacks flowed down a pair of strong thighs and the shirt fit perfectly across the broadness of his shoulders. Intense male sexuality of him and touched her like a physical caress. She actually felt it. He’d obviously gotten his hair cut, but it was still long enough to touch the collar of his shirt and gave him a bad boy appearance.

Trying to shake her sudden stupor, she said, “You look nice, Parker. Going out for the evening?” She could bite off her tongue for asking him that, when it was obvious that he was.

“Yes, what about you? You look really good, too.”

“Thanks. And yes, I was going out. I’m a big Marvel fan and their new movie came out last week. This is the first chance I’ve had to see it. Kennedy was going with me, but her husband Haddison returned to town a day early.”

She watched him lean against the counter and wished her attention wasn’t drawn to the leanness of his hips. “Now isn’t that a coincidence. I’m headed to the movies, too. And I’m a die-hard Marvel fan. Did you want to join me?”

Sebrina loved hearing the sound of his voice. His words were always spoken in a deep, husky even tone that reminded her of warm honey flowing over one’s skin. Swallowing deeply, she said, “There’s no way I can go to the movies with you and your date.”

“That’s okay. I don’t have a date,” he said smiling.

She lifted a brow. “You were going to the movies alone?”


“But…but why don’t you have a date?” Too late, she wished once again she could bite off her tongue. His lack of a date really wasn’t any of her business.

“I haven’t met anyone I want to take out. Besides, it can be hard to convince a woman to see an action movie.”

Sebrina had a feeling that any man whose photo was saved on several nurses’ cell phones would not have a problem getting a date, even if it was to see Godzilla. It would give them a reason for throwing themselves into his arms whenever a scary part came on.

“So, what about it, Sebrina? Want to go to the movies with me? And since we’re friends, we don’t even have to consider this a date.”

“What will it be, then?”

His smile widened. “An outing.”

She didn’t say anything for a minute, thinking about their conversation over breakfast. Would going to a movie with him tonight move her closer to ‘just friends’ territory? She hoped so.

“I’m game if you are.”

It took everything Parker possessed to keep a huge smile from taking over his face. He broke eye contact with Sebrina, not wanting her to see just how excited he was.

After glancing at his watch, he looked back at her. “Good.

If you’re ready, we can leave now. Have you eaten dinner? Did you want to stop somewhere before we get to the movies?”

She shook her head, causing her curls to fan her face. He liked the way she’d styled her hair tonight. “I haven’t eaten, but I’m fine. I tried some of that shrimp fried rice you Copyright 2016 - 2024