Benedict's Challenge - Carole Mortimer Page 0,40

in case any of them should doubt the strength of his opposition. “A talk with Chloe’s parents’ solicitor should set matters straight regarding her still being very much alive.”

The four of them had agreed the evening before that they were tired and should all sleep on the problem at Winter House, and talk of matters again in the morning, when they were feeling less fatigued. They were currently discussing how best to confront Lord Henry Gordon with his theft of Chloe’s inheritance, as well as his cruel treatment of her in the two years since her parents died.

Jimmy had suggested a way in which they might confront Lord Gordon in front of witnesses, and Chloe had been quick to agree with his plan. Benedict was less than happy with Jimmy’s idea. In fact, he was vehemently opposed to it.

“Lord Gordon is guilty of beating me and treating me with extreme cruelty, as well as having lied about my death and subsequently stealing from me.” She gave a shake of her head. “Simply accusing him of doing those things without proof is not enough. Yes, I am obviously very much alive, but Lord Gordon could deny all knowledge of how that came to be when no one has known of, nor will confirm, my presence in his household these past two years.” Lord Gordon’s household staff, with the exception of Mrs. Tailor, were almost as afraid of him as Chloe was. “Without anyone to confirm his cruelty to me, there is always the possibility that he might be able to talk himself out of being charged with those crimes. I believe the element of surprise in Jimmy’s plan could result in Lord Gordon confessing, in front of witnesses, to things that he might otherwise not.”

“I am very sure there will be an element of surprise,” Benedict echoed her words disgustedly. “I should think the old bastard would have a heart attack at seeing you in a place like Club Venus. I know I am in danger of it just from thinking about it!”

“But this club is owned and run by a friend of yours, is it not?”

Benedict’s scowl deepened at the deliberate innocence of her expression. “It is still a place where gentlemen go to purchase and enjoy the…the attentions of young ladies.”

Chloe almost laughed at the manner in which Benedict was attempting to avoid revealing Club Venus as the high-class brothel Jimmy had already told her it was. “You frequent the place yourself, do you not?” She couldn’t resist teasing him.

“In a professional capacity only,” he refuted indignantly before turning his narrowed gaze to Jimmy. “Do I have you to thank for Chloe being privy to this—this inappropriate information?”

The younger man raised mocking brows. “We hear things on the streets, and it was several hours’ drive from Surrey to London. We had to talk about something. And if it is such an inappropriate place, perhaps you ought not to be entering that establishment either,” he drawled.

“I am physician to the ladies there, not a paying customer,” Benedict defended.

He felt the heat rising in his cheeks as he thought of some of the duties he carried out on Gabriel’s behalf in regard to the ladies wishing to take up residence at Club Venus. Gabriel refused to allow a woman to live and work there if she did not enjoy and respond to physical pleasure. To date, it had been part of Benedict’s medical examination to ascertain the level of that response. Not in any sort of lascivious way on his part, but he could see that any woman in his own life—such as Chloe?—would find those sexual examinations objectionable.

“Then perhaps it is time you passed that task on to someone else?” Julius suggested with a pointed glance in Chloe’s direction.

“Perhaps it is,” Benedict agreed between gritted teeth. “Now, could we get back to my original objection to Chloe so much as stepping foot in that establishment?”

“Do not hate me, old friend, but I have to agree with James and Chloe’s assessment of the situation.” Julius grimaced. “I know there are narrow walkways between the walls of most of the public and private rooms, built that way deliberately so that someone might hear and observe what is taking place inside those rooms. Gordon will be totally taken by surprise at seeing Chloe inside Club Venus, and if she can get him into one of the private salons, he is unlikely to watch his words once he believes them to be alone.”

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