Benedict's Challenge - Carole Mortimer Page 0,31

be: a man of moral strength and kindness.

Which begged the question, why would a man of moral strength and kindness hide his sister away at his country estate?

The three of them had arrived in Surrey four days ago, and not once had there been any mention of a Lady Beatrix also being in residence. Nor had Benedict’s sister joined them for any of their meals.

Chloe looked up at him searchingly. “Why are you hiding her in the east wing?”

“For the love of—!” Benedict broke off to draw in a long and calming breath. “I will say this only once more—I am not hiding Beatrix. Do not say it again,” he warned Jimmy icily as the younger man seemed about to speak. “It is Beatrix’s own wish that she live quietly and in solitude here and in that wing of the house. She… Nine years ago, when Beatrix was aged only seventeen, there was a carriage accident in which my parents were killed and my sister grievously injured.” He sighed heavily. “Beatrix has preferred to remain in seclusion in the east wing here ever since.”

Chloe’s brow creased into a puzzled frown. “I do not understand. Why, once her time of mourning was at an end, would such a young lady choose to hide herself away from all society?”

“Exactly the question I put to him,” Jimmy interceded.

Benedict’s nostrils flared. “Having spent time with Beatrix, you are well aware of why she prefers to live in seclusion.”

Jimmy rose restlessly to his feet. “No, I really am not. If you are referring to the scar down her left cheek—which I presume occurred during the accident—then yes, I can see how that might make her feel self-conscious in society. But it does not detract from her beauty and the warmth of her personality, nor is it reason for her to shut herself away from others.”

Benedict agreed with him wholeheartedly; unfortunately, Beatrix did not.

His gaze narrowed on the younger man. “Whatever thoughts you might have of duping my sister into falling in love with you, then let me assure you that—” Benedict’s words were cut off abruptly as Jimmy lashed out and his fist connected with Benedict’s jaw, causing him to reel backward before he was able to regain his footing.

He surged forward as his own fist struck out and knocked the other man back into the bookcase along one wall, causing the books to shake on the shelves.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” He loomed over the younger man. “But that is an interesting question in itself, is it not?” he taunted. “Who you are and why you choose to hide behind the persona of Jimmy Brown. Because your speech now indicates you are James, not Jimmy, and I seriously doubt that Brown has ever been your name.”

Chloe was sure Benedict didn’t even see Jimmy’s second punch coming. A blow struck so hard against Benedict’s jaw, it caused him to stagger back before sprawling across the chaise.

Jimmy glared his distaste. “Whatever my name or circumstances in life, I know enough of manners to realize that you have just insulted your sister as much as me.” He gave Chloe a terse nod before striding across the room to open and then slam the door behind him.

Leaving the study bathed in an eerie silence.

Chloe’s first instinct was to go to Benedict’s side and see if there was anything she could do in regard to the bruise quickly forming on his jaw. The icy hauteur in his expression as he once again rose to his feet warned her against approaching him in any way.

Instead, she spent several seconds picking up things from the floor and returning them to the desktop before speaking again. “Do you think I might also meet your sister?” she prompted. “I might welcome the female company as much as she.”

Whatever Benedict had expected Chloe’s next words to be, it hadn’t been that.

But when he considered the request, he realized that of course Chloe would enjoy some female company rather than spending so much time on her own. She’d had enough of loneliness within Lord Gordon’s household.

He forced the tension to ease from his shoulders. “I will ask Beatrix, but I feel sure, after seeing her with Jimmy today, that she is more receptive to meeting new people than she has been. Also, she has previously expressed curiosity regarding both yourself and Jimmy,” he admitted with a smile. “She is resting for now, but I will ask her permission to introduce you when Copyright 2016 - 2024