Benedict's Challenge - Carole Mortimer Page 0,12

heed his warning, but perhaps he could have done it a little more… Kindly was the word Chloe seemed to have assigned to him and his behavior. Benedict could not relate to that description of himself, but he would rather Chloe looked upon him that way than be cowed by his normal arrogance and coldness.

She looked so much better today than she had yesterday. There was color in her cheeks and lips now that she was being fed regularly. The violet gown she wore also gave her complexion an ivory glow and made the blue of her eyes appear an even deeper shade.

The fact that she constantly used those lips and eyes to smile at him was still a little disconcerting. Most young women were either in awe of him or wary of the sharpness of his tongue. Chloe—she still refused to tell him her surname—smiled at him warmly and often.

It was…pleasant.

More than pleasant, to be gazed upon with approval by such a beautiful young woman.

“I apologize for my terseness, Jimmy.” Benedict now grimaced. “It has been…an eventful few days.”

The younger man grinned at him. “So no mad Lady Winter locked away in the east wing, then?”

Benedict had occasionally noted these past nine days that Jimmy did not always speak with the Cockney cant by rounding his vowels and omitting his h’s and the g’s on the end of -ings. He had certainly not done so just now.

Jimmy’s teeth, which a week ago Benedict had thought to be black with decay, also appeared less so now, leading Benedict to question whether the younger man might have made his teeth look that way with the application of soot. There had been a fire lit in the infirmary every day to ensure Jimmy was kept warm, but Jimmy himself had not been able to get out of bed for several days after the attack.

Making it impossible for the younger man to reach the soot and continue to blacken his teeth?

Jimmy still wore some of Benedict’s older clothing and boots, along with a dark gray superfine and heavy topcoat. This, along with his carefully combed hair, the occasional lack of a Cockney accent, and white instead of blackened teeth, meant Jimmy might easily pass for a gentleman in Society, albeit an impoverished one.

Benedict could only conclude from these anomalies that Jimmy was yet another person with secrets to hide. But as Benedict was hiding some of his own, he did not feel justified in questioning the younger man.

It was a different matter with Chloe. She was an unprotected female, and her manner of speech proclaimed her to be educated and a lady. It could have serious consequences for both of them if she was discovered living in the household of an unmarried gentleman who was not her guardian nor related to her in any way.

Bringing Chloe and Jimmy to the country with him was possibly not the wisest thing to have done, but it had at least ensured Chloe’s safety for the moment. Benedict hoped to be able to persuade her into telling him more about herself so that he was fully informed before they returned to London.

He had spoken to the members of his London household before leaving, warning them against speaking to anyone or revealing the whereabouts, if asked, of Benedict or his two guests. He believed Lord Gordon, because of Benedict’s interest in Chloe the previous week, and once the other man had exhausted all other avenues in his search for Chloe, might try to learn that information. Benedict had also sent a brief note to Julius Soames informing him of his plans, with the request he not share that information with anyone else, but especially not Lord Henry Gordon.

He now gave his two guests a formal bow. “I will see you both at dinner this evening.”

Jimmy’s brows rose. “Ya expectin’ me to ’ave dinner wiv the two of ya in the main ’ouse?”

The cant was back with a vengeance, Benedict noted with amusement. “You are both staying in the main house as my guests, so yes, that was my intention.”

A tide of red slowly colored Jimmy’s cheeks. “I’d be more comfortable sleepin’ owt in the stable and eatin’ in the kitchen wiv the uvver servants.”

“But you are not my servant, young James—” Benedict broke off his teasing as Jimmy drew in a hissing breath and the color drained from his cheeks as quickly as it had entered.

Yes, Benedict decided, Jimmy—James?—was most definitely keeping secrets. “Both of you go along Copyright 2016 - 2024