Benedict's Challenge - Carole Mortimer Page 0,10

bread and butter as she was able, was that she now needed clothes so that she could leave this house and the people living here. Most especially Lord Benedict.

She had not been thinking clearly this morning, only determined to make good her escape from Gordon House when the opportunity arose to do so. Otherwise, she would have known better than to come to Winter House. Once Lord Gordon discovered where she was, and she had no doubt he would do so eventually, the older man would take delight not only in punishing her but also in ensuring Lord Winter was brought to task for having helped her. Lord Gordon might even accuse the younger man of kidnapping her, a crime for which there was no doubt a hefty prison sentence.

She must leave here—

“Are you feeling well enough to travel, do you think?”

Chloe turned her startled gaze upon Lord Benedict as he quietly entered the room and closed the bedchamber door behind him. He had left her alone for a short time to give her privacy after she had assured him she was capable of using the chamber pot behind the screen alone and then feeding herself. “Travel to where?”

“Surrey,” he answered as he stood at her bedside. “I have an estate in that county. I also have urgent business there in need of my attention, and I thought perhaps you might appreciate a few days of relaxing in the countryside.”

This man wished her to accompany him to his estate in Surrey?

The lure of it, the freedom from fear it offered, completely overwhelmed Chloe for several seconds. Indeed, the mere thought of being able to leave London, and Lord Gordon, far behind her, filled her with such relief, it took her several more minutes to remind herself she could not involve Benedict any further in the unhappiness that was now her life.

“It is very kind of you—”

“I think once you come to know me better, you will discover that kindness is not a part of my nature,” he drawled dryly. “Indeed, I believe most people, well acquainted with me or otherwise, would claim the opposite to be true.”

Chloe’s cheeks warmed with indignation on his behalf. “Then they do not know and appreciate you for the kindness I now do.”

Benedict was momentarily taken aback at the fierceness of the conviction in Chloe’s tone.

“You took me in,” she continued firmly. “Not just to treat in your infirmary, but to rest within your household. And without knowing a single thing about me other than that I was in need of your assistance.” Her voice grew husky with emotion. “That kindness and generosity of nature means more to me than you can ever know.”

Possibly, but Benedict wished to know. Indeed, he intended to demand Chloe tell him of her circumstances, most especially how she came to be living in Lord Gordon’s household. He certainly did not see any family resemblance between that portly man and this beautiful and tiny slender reed.

But Benedict had decided further questions on that subject could wait.

He had received another letter from his housekeeper in Surrey this afternoon. Nothing of any urgency, but it had reminded him of his responsibilities there. It was not, however, the reason he now wished Chloe to accompany him to Surrey.

No, that was because of the information relayed to Benedict a short time ago by Jimmy and his friends. Information which required Benedict now urgently remove Chloe from London.

Jimmy’s cohorts had discovered that Lord Henry Gordon had employed several men to look for Chloe. Rough and violent men Jimmy knew, and had warned were not opposed to committing the occasional murder if they were paid well enough.

How Lord Gordon came to know such men was of no consequence, nor was Benedict in the least apprehensive on his own behalf regarding these men. He was more than capable of defending himself. But this was not about him, and he did not wish for Chloe to be hurt or injured, physically or emotionally, any more than she already had been.

As Jimmy was nowhere near recovered enough as yet to return to the hardship of his life in St Giles, Benedict hoped the younger man could be persuaded into coming into the country with them.

Benedict had also spoken briefly with Julius Soames while Chloe ate. He had explained the situation to his close friend. He had also requested Julius keep an eye on Lord Gordon, and on the men he had hired to look for Chloe, and report to Copyright 2016 - 2024