Beneath a Midnight Moon - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,54

the rightness of it, she was startled by a sudden inner vision of flames rising up all around her, enveloping her, of a black wolf, its hackles bristling, its fangs bared . . .

With a cry, she pulled free of Hardane’s embrace, her only thought to run away from what she knew was a vision of the future.

“Kylene, wait!”

“No.” She began to run as she heard him coming up behind her. “Stay away from me!”

“Kylene! It’s not what you think!”

But she could not banish the terror of the flames from her mind. She could still feel the heat overpowering her, burning her hair and skin, stealing her breath away. And the wolf, snarling at her, could only be Hardane.

She screamed when she felt his hand close over her shoulder. He tried to draw her into his arms, but she pummeled his chest with her fists as he drew her close.

“Kylene, listen to me, please.”

“No.” She shook her head, his nearness striking fear in her heart. He was the wolf.

“It’s not what you think,” he said again, his voice quiet, soothing. “Trust me. Please, lady.”

“I can’t.”

“The flames are part of the test. You’ll come to no harm, I promise you.”

“And the wolf? What of the wolf snarling at me? Was it you?”

“I’d never hurt you, Kylene. You must believe me.”

She stared up at him, wanting to believe, afraid to believe.

“I know in my heart that you’re the firstborn. The flames will prove it. You have only to trust me, to believe in yourself, in our love.”

“No. No, I can’t. Please, let me go. I’m afraid.”

“Of me?”

She stared into his eyes. They were gray and calm, so familiar.

“Kylene?” Seeing the fear in her eyes, reading it in her mind, he was tempted to tell her everything, and yet he couldn’t tell her the whole truth. Not yet.

Feeling like the worst kind of coward, he drew her into his arms and held her close.

“Please,” she whimpered, “please let me go.”

“I can’t.”

“I’m afraid,” she said, shivering uncontrollably. “So afraid.”

“I know,” he replied, his voice husky with concern, “but you have nothing to fear. The flames will prove who you are. It’s a challenge you must face of your own free will.”

She relaxed in the strength of his arms, feeling his courage bolster her own. “How? When?”

“Tomorrow night, at the Temple of Fire.”

Kylene shuddered. “The Temple of Fire?”

“It’s where all the heirs of Argone are life-mated. Be there, Kylene. Don’t let a promise made to your sister keep you away.”

Tenderly, he cupped her face in his hands and gazed deep into her eyes. “Don’t let your fears keep us apart.”

Chapter 24

Kylene sat in her room plagued by doubts and indecision. Should she do as she’d promised Selene and shun the wedding, or should she put her faith in Hardane?

Don’t let your fears keep us apart, he’d said, and for the first time, she acknowledged that she was afraid. Not of the fire, as she’d claimed, but of learning the truth that she knew Hardane was hiding from her. But, more than that, she was afraid to be his wife, to take her rightful place at his side, to help him rule Argone when the time came. She’d had so little contact with people other than the Sisters at the Motherhouse. She was ignorant of the social structure of Argone, ignorant of its religion, its beliefs. She was Mouldourian. Perhaps the people of Argone would never accept her. Perhaps Hardane’s parents would never accept her.

She buried her face in her hands. So many doubts. She was sure of only one thing, her unwavering love for Hardane. Did she have the courage to fight for him? Did she truly believe she was the firstborn twin, and if she did, if she was, was she going to cower in her room and let Selene marry Hardane?


Rising, she took a last look at herself in the mirror. The green velvet dress was the most flattering gown she’d ever worn. It accented her breasts, complemented the color of her hair, and made her skin glow. She wore her hair loose about her shoulders because Hardane preferred it that way, even though mature women did not leave their hair unbound.

Her decision made, she hurried from the room before she could change her mind. She was already late.

The Temple of Fire stood on the crest of a hill. Made of highly polished moonstone, it glowed eerily in the light of the full moon.

Kylene thought it was the tallest, most beautiful building she’d Copyright 2016 - 2024