Beneath a Midnight Moon - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,49

you can tell me the tale.”

Hardane paced his room, restless as a caged tiger. She was out walking. With Dubrey. Of all his brothers, Dubrey was the one with the most charm, the most appeal. He was a brave knight, a man who had distinguished himself on the field of battle. A man who was rich in his own right, with a castle of his own, land of his own. A life of his own.

Hardane swore under his breath as he pictured Dubrey and Kylene, walking in the garden. Dubrey would tell her of his exploits in Chadray, make her laugh with tales of his childhood, bewitch her with his easy humor.

And if she didn’t care for Dubrey, he had five other brothers who would be only too happy to court her. They’d take her for long walks, for picnics. They’d ply her with gifts of candied sweetmeats and feather fans. They’d serenade under her window, and recite poetry.

All the things he longed to do.

Could not do.

Filled with an all-consuming jealousy, he smashed his fist against the wall, swearing as pain exploded in his hand and splintered up his arm.

Breathing heavily, he stared at the blood oozing from his knuckles. It was bright red, like his anger.

The sound of laughter drifted through his bedroom window. Crossing the floor, he gazed into the garden to see Kylene and Dubrey walking hand in hand, smiling at each other as if they’d known one another for years instead of minutes.

Watching them, he felt the anger drain out of him, leaving him feeling cold and empty and more alone than he’d ever felt in his life.

Chapter 22

Hardane walked beside Selene, only half listening to what she was saying. His thoughts, as always, were with Kylene who was, as always, in the company of one of his brothers, most likely Dubrey.

“What?” He focused his gaze on Selene, realizing she had asked him a question.

She gestured at the bench in a small arbor. “I asked if you’d like to sit awhile?”

Hardane nodded, knowing the time had come to say what was uppermost on his mind.

“You have a lovely home,” Selene remarked. “I’m so glad to see it at last. To meet you.” She gazed up at him, letting him see how much she admired him, how pleased she was that they were to be wed.

“Selene . . .” He ran a hand through his hair. “I . . . I wish to be released from my pledge.”


“I wish to marry another.”

“That’s impossible. We were destined from birth to be life-mated.”

“I know.”

“Who is it, this woman you wish to take my place?”

“That’s not important.”

“Do you love her?”


“You had no right to give your love to another,” Selene accused, her eyes bright with tears. “You belong to me.”

“You won’t release me from my vow?”


Agitated, he stood up and paced back and forth in front of the bench.

“Why?” he demanded. “Why do you wish to be mated to a man who desires another? There will be no happiness between us.”

“Women marry for many reasons other than happiness,” Selene answered coldly. “I want a home, children, security. I want what was meant to be mine, and I will have it.”

“You may have my home,” Hardane retorted, his voice as cold as the winter wind, “you may have security. But I will never give you children.”

Selene smiled up at him. “I think you will,” she murmured confidently. “You’re a man, after all. An honorable man. Once we’re wed, you’ll not break your vow of fidelity. Sooner or later, you’ll come to me.”

“I will not,” he said curtly. Turning on his heel, he left her there, chilled by a terrible fear that she was right.

Hardane sat on the edge of his bed, staring into the hollow blackness of the fireplace. A week had passed since Selene’s arrival. It had been the worst week of his life, and tonight didn’t promise to be any better. Tonight, during the ball Sharilyn was giving in Selene’s honor, Kray would introduce Selene to the local populace. It would give the people a chance to meet Hardane’s betrothed, to mingle with the Lord and Lady of Argone, to pledge their loyalty and support to the House of Argone and its heirs.

He did not want to marry Selene. Duty had demanded he spend time with her this past week, that he show her around the keep, get to know her, let her get to know him.

But he didn’t want to know her.

Even worse than spending time with Selene Copyright 2016 - 2024