Beneath a Midnight Moon - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,19

most kind,” Hadj murmured. “All the people love him.”

And so did Hadj, Kylene thought.

Kylene was wondering if the serving girl was going to spend the rest of the evening contemplating the heir to the throne of Argone when Hadj apparently remembered where she was. With a smile of apology, she hurried out of the room to do her mistress’s bidding.

Sharilyn frowned as Hardane’s story drew to a close. “So, she is not Carrick’s seventh daughter, but a foundling raised by the Sisterhood.” Sharilyn shook her head. “How can that be? How is it she received your shade if she is not your betrothed?”

Hardane spread his hands in a gesture of bewilderment. “I know not. Have you had any word from my father?”

“No. But he still lives, Hardane. I would know if it were otherwise.”

Hardane nodded. The bond between his parents was unusually strong. In days gone by, they had often communicated without speaking, a gift which Hardane and his sister had viewed with mixed feelings of admiration and jealousy.

“How soon will you return to Mouldour?” Sharilyn asked quietly.

“Within the month. We’ll set sail as soon as the necessary repairs have been made on the Sea Dragon.”

“Did you hear any mention of your father while you were in Mouldour?”

“No.” Hardane took his mother’s hand in his. “But, like you, I’m sure he still lives. If not . . .” He took a deep breath, his jaw clenching with determination. “If not, Bourke will rue the day of his birth, and Carrick will pray for death a thousand times before it finds him.”

Sharilyn’s smile was rueful. “He’s too valuable a hostage for them to eliminate, Hardane.”

“Perhaps. But if my father dies, I will not let his death go unavenged. If the Wolf of Argone must be unleashed, so be it, but my father’s blood will be avenged.”

“As you will, my son, only remember, there is no pain greater than the pain of taking a life.”

“I hear you, mother mine.” He drew a deep breath, exhaled it slowly. “Let us speak of happier things. How are my brothers?”

“Very well. Scattered to the four winds, as usual. Dirk and Garth are at Fescue trying to settle one of the endless boundary disputes between Clannon and his uncle. Dubrey and the others have gone to Chadray.”

Hardane grunted softly. The people of Chadray sometimes forgot to whom they owed their allegiance. Twice each year, the men of Castle Argone went to Chadray to remind them who ruled the land. “And my sister?”

“I had a message from her only yesterday. She said the babe thrives, and she prays she will see you soon.”

Hardane grunted softly. He had not seen his sister, Morissa, since her wedding to Eben, Lord of Kyle, almost six months ago.

It had taken more than a month to learn that his father was no longer imprisoned in the dungeon at Mouldour, and another month to discover that he had been moved to the Isle of Klannaad, and then, when he had been about to launch a rescue, he had sensed that his betrothed was in mortal danger. Saving her life had taken precedence over freeing his father.

Due to foul weather, it had taken longer than usual to cross the sea to Mouldour to rescue his betrothed, only to learn that the woman he had snatched from beneath the very nose of the Interrogator was not his bride after all.

He shook his head in confusion. Why had he sensed that Kylene was in danger? If she was not his betrothed, why, when he sent his shade to seek his future bride, had he been directed to Kylene instead of Selene?

Hardane frowned. Was there an evil wizard at work, casting some sort of spell to cloud his powers so that he was drawn to the wrong woman, thereby making it impossible for Hardane and Selene to wed on the seventh day of the seventh month? Was the Interrogator behind all this? Had he used witchcraft to summon Hardane to Mouldour to rescue the wrong woman?

He swore softly. He would have to go back to Mouldour and find Selene before the auspicious date set for their marriage passed, but first he must rescue his father.

His crew was already at work, refitting the ship. They would lay in supplies, make the necessary repairs, patch or replace the sails. When all was in readiness, he would sail to the Isle of Klannaad and free Lord Kray from the dungeon.

Kylene stood at the window, gazing down into the courtyard below. Copyright 2016 - 2024