Belaset's Daughter - By Feona J Hamilton Page 0,97

all, should we?" he murmured, half to himself.

"No, not yet," said Gregory. "Wait just a little while now, Aaron, and the others will return, I am sure of it."

Again, they sat in silence. At last, there was the sound of running footsteps again, and Hubert and Walter reappeared. Over his shoulder, Walter carried a stretcher. Hubert was behind, and, behind him, came Belaset, clasping a small sack. Swiftly, she came down the bank to the boat, and looked in.

"Ah, poor man, poor man!" she said, in tones of deepest pity.

"Can you help him?" said Aaron.

Belaset nodded reassuringly, then bent to feel Benjamin’s neck for a pulse. It was there, but faintly. She felt round the place where the arrow had penetrated, then underneath, to see if it had passed right through his body. When she found it had not, she pursed her lips. Gently, she moved the arrow shaft, then more strongly. There was no sound from Benjamin. She looked closely, and saw there was no more blood welling from the wound, despite her efforts. Standing, she turned and beckoned to Hubert and Walter.

"I think we must try and get him on the stretcher face down," she said. "I cannot remove the arrow under these conditions the light is too faint, and I cannot take the chance of causing further injury internally."

Turning back to Gregory and Aaron, she went on.

"If you two will help lift him, we three can place him on the stretcher gently, without too much disturbance to his wound. Aaron, we will lift him away from you first, then you must bend down and help us lift him right out of the boat. Can you do that?"

Aaron nodded, mutely, and waited as they eased his father’s head gently away from his foot. As soon as he felt the weight lift, he slipped out his leg and stood, awkwardly, stiff from keeping the same position for so long. Bending, he felt under his father’s chest, and raised him gently. At the same time, Gregory grasped Benjamin’s thighs and raised them.

As they lifted together, Belaset slid her arms under Benjamin’s waist. He moaned and sighed, in a far-off, weak voice, but they had him in their arms, and carried him gently up the bank. Hubert and Walter were waiting, with the stretcher between them, and the other three lowered Benjamin on to it. They let his right arm dangle over one side, for more comfort, and Belaset turned his head, so that he was able to breathe as easily as possible.



Belaset’s Daughter

The four men took their places, one at each corner, and, with Belaset walking beside Benjamin’s head, they set off at a brisk pace for Gregory’s house in Westminster.

It was a journey undertaken in complete silence, apart from the sound of their hurrying footsteps and laboured breathing. Mercifully, it took less than five minutes to reach safety, and the door was opened wide as they approached it. They passed straight through, into the back room, where they laid Benjamin, stretcher and all, on the table.

Belaset bent over him once again, her face absorbed. She placed the bundle she had been carrying on the table, and opened it. A sharp-bladed knife lay there, with some small pots of ointment, and bundles of herbs. A small pile of clean rags completed the contents. As she reached for the knife, Judith entered, carrying a bowl of steaming water, which she placed beside Belaset.

"The fire must be built up again," said Belaset, turning to Gregory. "And I shall need as much light as you can spare. I must remove the arrow, before the wound can fester. It will be better to do it while he is unconscious the pain will be unbearable."

"It shall be done," said Gregory.

He went out of the room, with Walter in tow. Hubert began piling logs on the fire, and building it up again, until it blazed, the flames leaping almost up the chimney. Soon, Hubert and Gregory returned, bearing lighted torches, which they placed in holders round the room. For good measure, Gregory had ordered another servant to bring in the table candelabra, with candles already lit and in them, and these were placed at the end of the table, out of harm’s way, but close enough for Belaset.

Taking a deep breath, she plunged the knife blade into the fire. She held it there for a few moments, then pulled it out, and examined it. It glowed red at the tip, turning to black further up Copyright 2016 - 2024