Belaset's Daughter - By Feona J Hamilton Page 0,87

the servants here in this house trustworthy enough to come with us?"

Hubert nodded his head immediately.

"There is one here who is a friend of mine," he said. "I would not hesitate to trust him with my life. He looks after the horses. His name is Walter."

"Fetch him," said Aaron, at once.

"No wait a moment," said Benjamin. "This must be done quietly. Too much bustle will arouse the suspicions of anyone who might not be so trustworthy."

Hubert leant forward.

"I can fetch Walter without disturbing anyone else," he said. "He likes to be alone when he is not working. He is probably sitting in the hayloft, as far away from everyone else as possible."

"Is he so surly, then?" said Benjamin, in surprise.

Hubert smiled.

"No," he said. "He wishes to better himself, and is trying to learn how to read and write."

"A man of ambition, then!" said Benjamin.

"Indeed," said Hubert.

"Well, go and find him, and bring him to us with all speed," said Benjamin. "We will wait for you."

Hubert was back in a few minutes, bringing Walter with him. He was a stocky man, with strong-looking arms and legs, and a shock of red hair. His eyes, a startling green, gazed at Aaron and Benjamin with curiosity, and Aaron had the distinct impression that he was being shrewdly assessed. The assessment seemed to work to his advantage, for Walter gave a short nod of satisfaction to them both, and stood waiting for one of them to speak.

"Walter," said Benjamin. "We are told by Hubert that you are a fine, trustworthy fellow, who would be eager to join us in rescuing Master Gregory from the Tower."

Walter grunted and nodded again.

"We need someone who would be willing to risk his life, perhaps. It is a dangerous mission we are undertaking," Benjamin continued.

"Makes no difference," said Walter. His voice was a deep, throaty rumble.

"Then join us here, while we make our plans," said Benjamin.



Belaset’s Daughter

The four men sat together round a table, leaning their arms on the top, and speaking softly. At the end of half-an-hour, they were satisfied that the rescue plan was as foolproof as possible. Benjamin rose to his feet.

"We must eat before we leave," he said. "I’ll go and arrange something."

He reached the door and opened it. Just outside, Dorcas was standing, with a tray containing four bowls of steaming soup and bread to go with it. She looked at Benjamin’s startled face, and laughed.

"Did you think we would let you go without feeding you?" she said to her husband.

"Surely, after all these years together you would expect that!"

Benjamin stood aside so that she could enter. She placed the tray on the table, and put a bowl of soup and some of the bread in front of each man, then stood back, hands on hips, as they began to eat.

"Dorcas," said Benjamin. "You should have let the maid bring in the food. Why are you working like this you need sleep, to recover from today’s events."

"Tush, man!" said Dorcas, briskly. "The servants here cannot prepare good chicken soup like this, and the best way to forget something bad is to be too busy to think about it. I shall not sleep until you are safe back again. Nor will Belaset or Judith, so we are all helping each other to get through this night by talking and working."

"What is there to work at here?" said Aaron, surprised. "You are in a strange house, with servants to look after you."

"Your mother can always find work, my son," said Benjamin, wryly. "Nowhere is properly clean unless Dorcas has seen the cleaning. Nothing is properly cooked, unless she has supervised the cooking. You should know that by now!"

He winked at Aaron, who winked back, and earned a frown of mock disapproval from his mother. The bowls of soup were soon swallowed and the bread eaten. Dorcas cleared them away and took them out of the door, placing the tray of empty bowls on a bench in the hall outside. She came back into the room and went to her husband.

"I know you are about to go," she said. "I know that you are risking all your lives. Good luck to all of you, and come back safely, with Master Gregory. We will be waiting eagerly for your return."

She raised her face for Benjamin’s kiss, and went to Aaron for his. Then, without another word, she walked from the room and shut the door quietly behind her. There was an awkward silence, then Benjamin cleared his Copyright 2016 - 2024