Belaset's Daughter - By Feona J Hamilton Page 0,85

hear, and, when he turned and retraced his steps, there was no-one he could see, either. Not even the tiniest flicker of movement showed the presence of anyone but himself in the little street.

He rapped sharply on the door and stood waiting, impatient for the door to open. As soon as it did, he put a warning finger to his lips, and slipped inside. The girl who had opened the door, closed it quickly after his entrance, and turned to face him with frightened eyes.

"Where have you come from?" she whispered. "You are soaking!"

"The river is always wet," said the man.

"The river?" she said. "Did you fall into it?"

"No, no!" said Hubert. "I jumped and swam but get Rebbe Yechiel, and the young

Master Aaron, and let me tell them my story."



Belaset’s Daughter

The girl hurried off. Standing there alone, Hubert could hear the muted sound of people talking. These people had been through experiences which gave them no cause to celebrate and when he told them what had happened, they would be even more cast down. But they would help somehow, he knew instinctively.

Benjamin Yechiel came toward him, with Aaron and Judith close behind. The maid brought up the rear, unwilling to miss a moment.

"What has happened?" said Benjamin, immediately. He took in Hubert’s wet, dishevelled appearance, and the anxiety in his eyes increased.

"My master has been taken to the Tower," said Hubert. "I would have gone with him, but I managed to break free of my guards. I thought if I came to you, you would know what to do."

"You did well," said Benjamin. "But you must tell us everything. We thought you were safe enough, when you left us. Surely, Gregory has enough friends in high places to protect him?"

"Friends in high places, Father," said Aaron. "But for the King. Earl de Montfort has the Tower in his hands, and his people are there. If someone has betrayed Gregory..."

"Someone must have done," interrupted Judith. "Was he taken from his house?"

She turned to Hubert, who nodded. The cold and damp were beginning to tell, and, despite himself, he gave a shiver.

"Come," said Judith. "We must get you dry and get some posset down you before you tell us more."

"But you must help my master, quickly!" cried the man, desperately. "He must be in danger of his life. Sir William Monchesny himself led the party, and those that he takes to the Tower are seldom seen outside it again!"

Aaron put his arm around him.

"Listen to me," he said, quietly. "We can think how to help your master, and you can be getting dry and warm again at the same time. Be assured, we will do everything we can but it is no help if you fall ill, is it?"

The firm, soothing voice had its effect, and Hubert calmed down again. He was led away by the maidservant, to the kitchen quarters at the back of the house. The other three stood where they were, their faces drawn with shock.

"Well," said Aaron. "We must find a way of getting Gregory out of that place. And we must try to get a message to the King, to let him know what has happened here."

"I will go to the King," said Judith.

"You cannot," said Benjamin, shocked. "You are a married woman, now."



Belaset’s Daughter

"That does not mean that my brain and body no longer work!" snapped Judith. "I am not retiring from the world because I have a husband!"

She glared at Benjamin. Aaron, despite the seriousness of the moment, could not help grinning.

"Judith would be the best person to go, Father," he said. "She is known to many of the King’s men, but...".

He turned to Judith, who had opened her mouth indignantly at the word.

"Someone is needed to be with our mothers," he said. "And they would be horrified if they thought that I had let you go to the King alone. I must find a way to rescue Gregory, or I should be with them myself."

"How can I sit in this house, not knowing where you are, and not able to do anything myself?" protested Judith.

"You will be doing something," said Benjamin, suddenly. "You will keep company with Dorcas and Belaset, and prepare for our return."

He watched with interest. Two pairs of eyes locked and held. Judith smiled suddenly.

"I see you would be masterful, my lord!" she said, mockingly to Aaron. "I will do as you say but mark, it is because you give good reason, and not because I am submitting Copyright 2016 - 2024