Belaset's Daughter - By Feona J Hamilton Page 0,79

said. "You are all my dear friends, and friends do not help each other in expectation of reward, do they?"



Belaset’s Daughter

There was nothing that Judith could say in response to such generosity of spirit.

Instead, she kissed Gregory on the cheek. He smiled and nodded at her, understanding her awkwardness, and saving her further embarrassment by crossing the hall and shouting for someone to come and repair the fire.

"Now," he said, as the others disentangled themselves and wiped their eyes. "We must decide what we are to do next."

"We cannot return to our home," said Benedict. "At least, not for some time."

"Father," said Aaron. "I doubt if we have much of a home. They had fired the Jewry, as we were coming out of the City. We had to walk through the smoke, and we heard the sound of the flames."

"I know," said Benjamin. "But something will be left, even if it is only the stone walls and the floors. I will not be driven away by a mob such as this. We have returned before we will do so again."

He looked so grimly determined that no-one dared say anything to contradict him.

"In the meantime," said Gregory, breaking the silence which had fallen. "You will stay here, and recover. This house is the house of a good friend, who is away on other business for some weeks. I must return to Milk Street, and try to find out the extent of the damage."

"Let me come with you," said Aaron.

Gregory shook his head.

"It will be safer for all of us, if you stay here, and I go with my manservant," he said. "I am well-known as an inhabitant of Milk Street, and, since I live in Church property..."

He looked at them all uncomfortably.

" are known to be a good Christian," said Aaron. "You are right, of course it was stupid of me not to realise that I would be a problem rather than a help."

"I understand your wish to do something," said Gregory, kindly. "But you will help most by becoming invisible for a few days. As soon as the Jewry is safe again, and the mob has forgotten its fury, I will let you know. It will take some days, as you know.

When Easter comes, there are full bellies and sore heads from celebrating the end of Lent, rather than any religious fulfilment, but that will be the time when the threat to your lives will diminish. Until then, you are all most welcome to enjoy the hospitality that I can offer you here."

He looked again at their clothes.

"You wear no badge or hat?" he said.

"We were celebrating in the Jewry, and in my Father’s house," replied Aaron, shortly.

"There was no need to announce our Jewishness, to warn others."



Belaset’s Daughter

"Aaron," said Benjamin, placing his hand on his son’s arm. "He asks only for your own safety."

"Indeed," said Gregory. "If you have not brought such indications with you, there is no need why anyone should have noticed your presence as anything unusual in these parts.

This means that apart from a goodly degree of fine dressing you can pass through the streets without danger. Are any of you likely to be recognised?"

They all shook their heads.

"We seldom leave the Jewry, especially my wife," said Benjamin. "As for Belaset and Judith, they are from Lewes, as you know, and seldom visit us. Aaron has travelled most, I warrant..."

Aaron opened his mouth, but shut it again, as he felt Judith give his wrist a warning squeeze. He had been about to remark on her travels, she knew, and it was better not to bring them to everyone’s attention again. Besides, who knew what other ears might hear?

"... but usually from the City over London Bridge, I think?" finished Benjamin, turning to his son.

"Yes, Father," said Aaron.

"So," said Gregory, in a satisfied tone. "You will not be forbidden the streets, or the Abbey. And there is a small garden at the back of this house, where the ladies may like to sit. It is sheltered enough to be pleasant even this early in the year."

Judith could not help chuckling.

"Gregory," she said. "You sound so like the genial host, that it is as though we were visiting you for sheer pleasure!"

"I hope it will bring you some pleasure, my dear Judith," he replied. "You must have time to recover from your experiences today and to enjoy







To her annoyance, Judith felt herself colouring like any green girl. She, who prided herself on her maturity and calmness Copyright 2016 - 2024