Belaset's Daughter - By Feona J Hamilton Page 0,70

forearms comfortably on the table. "We must decide what we are to do next. I must arrange a meeting with Prior Foville. Aaron, what do you plan to stay here for a while, or to return to London?"

"I feel I must return to London as soon as possible," said Aaron. "My family will be worried about me, and I fear for them. The last time we saw each other, it was with soldiers drawing nearer to the house."

Belaset clasped her hands together.

"Is there no way we can get a message to them, to assure them of your safety?" she said. "Then you could at least rest for a day or two, before returning."

"Showing myself to them is the best way of telling that I am safe," said Aaron, gently.

"And I must see them to set my own mind at rest. You are kind, Belaset, but I must return to London today."

He turned to Judith.

"Is there any more I can do to help you in your work?" he said.

"There may be in the future, Aaron, but you have done enough for now," said Judith.

"Go back to your father and mother. They need you more than I do now that I am safely home again. If you can get a message to us to tell us that you are all safe, it will be a great solace."

"I shall do my best to get some word to you," he said. "Gregory has a way of sending messages I am

sure that he can enclose something from me to let you know that all is well in London."

"Gregory is a true friend," said Judith. "I shall never forget his kindness you must tell him for me, Aaron."

"Indeed I shall," said Aaron. "Now I must go will you say goodbye to me at the door, or here, where we may take a moment longer?"

His eyes said more than his words. Belaset stood, saying she would get the servants to find him some food, and left the room quickly. Why should she bother to chaperone these two, who were betrothed, and had spent several days together in any case? Besides, they were in her house, so no stranger could remark and disapprove!

Before the door had closed, Aaron had taken her in his arms. Judith did not hesitate to kiss him with the same ardour as he showed. She knew that this was the man she wanted for her husband her mother had been right to urge the betrothal. She remembered her reluctance, and her lips curved under his, with amusement. Aaron drew back his head.

"What is so droll?" he said, in mock sternness. "Does my kissing amuse you?"



Belaset’s Daughter

"No, Aaron," she answered. "I was laughing at myself, and my earlier reluctance to meet you. How foolish I was!"

"Not foolish, Judith, never that," said Aaron, seriously. "Proud, brave and independent, I will grant you. And I will not ask you to change any of those."

"I could not, even if you wanted me to," she said with spirit. "I am as you find me, and I will not become a meek submissive wife for anyone!"

He stepped back, laughing himself.

"No-one is suggesting it," he said. "Although seeing you in your dainty gown, instead of hose makes it look faintly possible. Nonetheless, I can see what the mere idea can do who knows what an order from a husband might unleash?"

She flushed.

"Well, you see then, Aaron," she said, embarrassed. "What fierce pride burns within me!"

"That fierce pride is good," said Aaron. "I know it will keep fear at bay, and give you the courage to do whatever you are asked. Just promise me one thing: if you find that there is room for me to help and the chance arises for you to suggest it will you take it?"

"Yes," she said, seriously. "Yes, I will."

He kissed her on the cheek gently, then left the room, and she heard him walk out into the yard. The voices of servants and grooms, followed by the clatter of hooves, told her that his horse had been brought to him. There was a pause, then the sound of the horse being walked out into the street. As before, she listened unmoving, until the sound had faded away completely.

Belaset came in and sat beside her. She put her arm around her daughter and hugged her.

"He is a very personable young man, is he not?" she said.

"Which one, mother?" said Judith. "They are both personable young men."

Her mother gave her a little shake.

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