Belaset's Daughter - By Feona J Hamilton Page 0,53

peered down at them, framed in tousled red hair. The a brawny arm grasped Aaron and pulled him up, out of the hole. he leaned back in, and Judith handed up the torch. He held it so that she could see her footing on the rungs, then held out his hand to her, as she reached the top. When she stood safely beside him, he threw the brand on the fire which burned in this room, then helped the man who had let them out replace the stone over the passage entrance.

This room was some kind of study, Judith could see. There was a large desk, with a sloping top, covered in writing materials. The walls were bare and whitewashed, with candle burning in brackets. A heavy curtain in rich velvet broke the purity of the whiteness and covered the doorway, she guessed. It was warm and cosy and quiet.

Her host was dressed in a long gown, made of some rich stuff and edged with fur. The state of his hair was explained as he ran his hands through it, making it stick up more wildly than ever. He shook his head at Aaron, in mock despair.

"And who are you escaping from this time?" he said. "Leading another astray with you, I see!"



Belaset’s Daughter

"Soldiers," said Aaron, briefly. "This is my cousin she is in danger of some kind, but I know no more than you at the moment. I arrived home just as the search for her began, and offered to bring her to safety. I hope I did not presume too much, in bringing her here?"

The other’s face had grown serious, as Aaron explained. He pursed his lips, then shook his head slowly.

"You did not presume at all!" he said, emphatically. "We are all for Henry here, as you know."

He turned to Judith with a kindly smile, and put out both hands to her.

"Whatever you have done, you had good reason to do, I am sure," he said. "Tell me what you can, and then what you need. I will do my utmost to help you and to keep you from de Montfort’s grasp."

Aaron stepped forward and put his arm around Judith’s shoulders.

"Judith," he said. "This is my good friend Gregory, from whom I have no secrets, and in whom I trust utterly. Tell him what he asks you will have no cause for regrets."

Judith looked at them both and considered. Certainly, she needed help. She knew no-one in the City, save the Yechiels; she was in danger of being recaptured by de Montfort’s men; and Aaron trusted this Gentile sufficiently to bring her to him. Gregory himself had said that he was for the King, before knowing who she was what else could she do but trust him? She took a deep breath.

"Master Gregory," she began. "I am a messenger, sent by William Foville, Prior of St Pancras in Lewes, to King Henry, while he was in France. I was to receive a message from the King for Foville. De Montfort’s men have had me in their grasp, but, as you see, I have managed to elude them and find my way to Aaron’s family. My one desire is to return to Lewes as quickly as possible, so that I may deliver the King’s message to Prior Foville."

She paused, uncertain what to say next. Gregory looked at her, rubbing his face thoughtfully.

"So," he said, at last. "You need help to get out of the City again and back to Lewes. Do you know the way?"

She shook her head.

"No," she said. "And I would not know who, or where, to ask."

"In that case," he went on. "You will also need a guide. Well, there is no point in starting out now, and you must be hungry and tired. I suggest we all have something to eat, then the two of us and Aaron, if he will " he said, hurriedly, forestalling that young man’s interjection, "will start out in the morning, as early as we can."

"But the soldiers..." said Judith.



Belaset’s Daughter

"Tush, madam, even these soldiers will never dare look here, on Church property!" said Gregory, exchanging an amused glance with Aaron.

"Church property?" said Judith, bewildered.

"Tell her where she is, my friend," said Gregory to Aaron.

"You said we were in Milk Street," said Judith.

"And so we are," he answered. "In a house rented to Gregory by one William Foville, Prior of St Pancras, Lewes, to whom the property belongs."

"Now do you understand why Aaron brought you here?" said Copyright 2016 - 2024