Belaset's Daughter - By Feona J Hamilton Page 0,40

on his haunches in front of her.



Belaset’s Daughter

"Now," he said. "I can untie you and let you feed yourself, if you decide not to cause trouble, or you can watch us enjoy our meal and eat nothing. Which is it to be?"

"Untie me," said Judith, wearily. "I have no strength left to cause you trouble, as you put it."

Guy grinned nastily and put the food down in the hay, before he bent over her. He untied the kerchief and stuffed it back under his cloak. Judith rubbed her wrists and chafed her hands together. She picked up the bread and broke some off. Putting it into her mouth, she chewed. It tasted delicious and made her realise how long it was since she had eaten. It was odd to think that only that morning she had eaten with the Hanuchins in Abbeville. Now, she was back in England, as she hoped to be but in what company!

The other man had come to her side and offered her the pitcher. She took it in both hands and sniffed. It was ale. She took a sip, and then a larger gulp. Ale was not a drink she had tasted often, but tonight it tasted like the finest wine. She took another good swallow and handed the pitcher back to the man. He took it without a word and carried it back to Guy. Setting it down, he helped himself to some bread and meat, then sat down in the straw beside de Montfort to eat it.

"Is the meat not to your liking?" said Guy, suddenly. "Perhaps you don’t like the flavour ’young master’?"

Judith said nothing.

"Perhaps he’d prefer a fowl or a peacock!" the other man said.

"No, no that’s not the reason for our companion’s niceness," said Guy. "Is it ’young master’?"

He rose and strolled over to where Judith sat, then turned to the other man.

"This is no man," he said. "This is a woman and a Jewess!"

Bending, he caught hold of Judith’s cloak and ripped it from her. He flung it aside, then tried to grasp the tunic beneath. Judith ducked her head and bit him with all her force, on the wrist. He whipped his arm away with a curse, and she scrambled to her feet. The other man roared with laughter.

"No man, but a fighter, my lord!" he said.

Guy looked at his wrist. There was blood welling from the broken skin. He glared at Judith then, to her amazement, started laughing himself. She stood looking at him, unable to believe her eyes. He shook his head and walked past her, to fling himself down in his former place and begin eating again.

"Food is better than a woman, tonight," he said. "Sleep while you can, Trubodi. And you, madam we ride to London tomorrow."

He tossed the bone he had gnawed on across the barn and wrapped himself in his cloak.

Trubodi had already made himself a nest in the hay and was lying curled in it like a large BOSON BOOKS


Belaset’s Daughter

dog, his own cloak covering him almost completely. Judith watched them both for some moments, but neither stirred. She stood and crept towards one corner, where the straw was deeply piled. Guy de Montfort opened his eyes.

"Don’t try to lose yourself in the darkness," he said. "I’m a light sleeper. The slightest rustle, or the click of the latch and I’ll hear you. Settle where you are, madam, no-one will come near you tonight."

Judith did as she was told. She bent and heaped some of the hay around a hollow, then wrapped her cloak closely about her body, before lying in the nest she had made. One of the horses blew down its nose and shifted its hooves restlessly. The men breathed evenly, one of them snoring slightly. She lay stiffly, waiting for some movement from one of them, despite Guy’s reassurances. Eventually, her eyelids grew heavy, and she slept too.



Belaset’s Daughter




Belaset’s Daughter


The daylight streaming in woke Judith the next morning. The manservant had come in again, thrusting back the heavy door with his shoulder, bringing another pitcher of ale, with fresh bread and meat. He placed it near to Guy, then gave his feet a kick to rouse him. Guy sat up immediately, but said nothing. The servant kicked Trubodi’s feet for good measure, and grunted with amusement when that worthy’s head appeared, his hair at all angles and a straw behind one ear.

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