Belaset's Daughter - By Feona J Hamilton Page 0,130

for his head, he decided, and found himself hoping that de Warenne would not be too carried away by the excitement of the moment, or plunge too eagerly into the battle. He felt guilty at such disloyal thoughts, and reproached himself for thinking too much of his own safety.

Safety! What of Judith and her family? He must go now, he decided, while he could move easily about the town, and ensure that they knew the arrangements for the townsfolk. He made sure that his dagger was tucked safely inside his tunic, where he could free it easily, if need be. There were bound to be some of Henry s men still carousing in the town. He would make his way through the streets as quickly and quietly BOSON BOOKS


Belaset’s Daughter

as possible, and pray that he made it to the house without being caught up in the raucous good humour, or worse, of a group of drunken soldiers.

Slipping out of the castle without attracting attention was easy enough. Anyone who saw him go would assume he was on an errand for John de Warenne, he realised, so he must look as natural as possible. He walked out of the buildings and made his way down the steep side of the motte without seeing anyone he knew. It was the same as he left the castle gate, and continued down the hill, then through the West Gate and across to Antioch Street. At Belaset s house, he stopped and knocked confidently.

There was the merest pause, the Aaron opened the door himself.

"Jervis!" he said, in a pleased voice. "Enter and be welcome!"

"Where are Judith and Belaset?" said Jervis, stepping over the threshold. "Are they here, and safe?"

"Of course," said Aaron. "Why should they not be? We have nothing to fear from King Henry or his men. They have orders to leave us alone, and they have no interest in this part of Lewes, since we have no ale-houses here or anything else that would touch their fancy."

"You must all leave as soon as you can," said Jervis, desperately. "You will not be safe much longer!"

Aaron had ushered him into the parlour, as he spoke, and Belaset and Judith, who were both sitting there, looked up at the sound of his voice. Judith rose from her seat, and came to him.

"Why must we go so hastily?" she said, with a worried frown.

"We are getting ready to fight with de Montfort and his army," said Jervis. "Tomorrow will see us do battle together. No-one will be safe then, whatever the King s instructions may be, unless they are in the castle, or far away."

"Well, we will not be welcome in the castle," said Belaset, sensibly. "Nor need we go there. This house is built of stone, Jervis, and we have withstood raids and fighting before this. The doors and shutters are also stout, and the bolts and padlocks kept oiled and ready. Do not fear for our safety we are safer within these walls than anywhere else!"

Jervis tried all he knew to dissuade her from what he thought was a foolhardy desire to stay in her home, but Belaset would not listen, or change her mind. Aaron and Judith did nothing to help him and, finally, Jervis realised that they would not shift. He insisted on checking the state of the stone walls and the shutters and doors himself. At last he was convinced. Unlike the poor huts in which most of the Lewesians lived, the Jews houses had been made to last. Belaset pointed out, without embarrassment, that Jews expected attacks and attempted robbery, and built their houses to take account of it. She was so matter-of-fact about it that her words lost their sting, and Jervis knew that he was not included in her comments.



Belaset’s Daughter

"We stay here, Jervis," she said, firmly, after he had seen everything. "We have food and water enough for a week, and w shall be safe here, as you have seen. It was kind of you to think of us, in the midst of all your own concerns. Now, go and get ready yourself.

We shall pray for your safekeeping in the days to come."

"As soon as I am able, I shall return to you," promised Jervis, with a lump in his throat.

"I shall also pray for your safekeeping, my friends."

Belaset put up her arms and hugged him, the tears shining in her eyes. The other two also gave him affectionate hugs, and Judith kissed him quickly on Copyright 2016 - 2024