Behind the Rake's Wicked Wager - By Sarah Mallory Page 0,80

Room with the slight, dark-haired lady that was Jasper’s sister-in-law, telling her all about Florence House. At first she was a little wary, but Zelah’s gentle manner and genuine interest soon had its effect and she found herself answering her questions quite freely.

‘The dowager countess is most impressed with your efforts there,’ remarked Zelah. ‘That is no small compliment, believe me.’

‘I am only too thankful that she thought the cause worthy of her attention.’

‘Lady Gisburne loathes being bored and she was most thankful that Jasper brought your project to her attention.’

Susannah blinked.

‘I did not know it was the viscount who told her about Florence House. I thought she had merely heard the gossip.’

‘Oh, no, she told me Jasper argued the case very strongly. And I believe there is a good modiste here that I must visit,’ added Zelah, with a twinkling look. ‘I intend to order at least one gown from Odesse while I am in Bath.’

The conversation turned towards fashion and in no time at all they had completed another full promenade of the room.

‘Oh dear, I can see my husband is looking out for me.’ Zelah chuckled as they came within sight of Lady Gisburne’s party. ‘Come along, let us join them.’

‘Oh, but there is no need for me to come with you,’ declared Susannah, hanging back. She could see Jasper standing beside his equally tall brother and was reluctant to go any closer.

‘Nonsense, I must make you known to Dominic, and I can see Mr Barnabus is with them, too, so where else would you want to go?’

Unable to withstand the pressure of that small, determined hand on her sleeve Susannah accompanied Zelah to join the little group and said all that was proper when she was introduced to Dominic Coale. She resolutely kept her eyes averted from Jasper, but it was impossible not to think of him when she looked at his twin.

Even with the livid scar dissecting his cheek, she thought Dominic Coale as heart-stoppingly handsome as his brother. They shared the same thick, glossy black hair, the same regular features, the lean cheek and finely carved jawline, and if she fancied Jasper’s smile a shade warmer and the glint in his blue-grey eyes a trifle more wicked, that was surely her imagination. While Dominic spoke to her she did her best to ignore Jasper, standing so close and silent, almost within touching distance. She could feel his presence, like a tangible force drawing her closer. She told herself that since Gerald was distantly related to the brothers she would have to grow accustomed to meeting Jasper. And she would do so. She had told Kate as much when they were strolling in the gardens yesterday.

* * *

Her tears had taken her by surprise and she had found herself admitting to Kate that she did not love Gerald.

‘But he loves me,’ she had said, wiping her eyes with the handkerchief Kate supplied. ‘I cannot cry off, it would break his heart.’

‘Better that he should be disappointed now than he should discover it later.’

‘He shall not be disappointed,’ Susannah declared. ‘I will be a good wife to him. I will.’

‘You are in love with someone else.’ Kate’s shrewd eyes did not miss the tell-tale flush that immediately coloured Susannah’s cheek. ‘Is it Markham? Are you in love with the viscount?’

‘No.’ Susannah knew her hasty denial was too vehement. She added quickly, ‘And if I were it would make no odds. He cares nothing for me.’

‘Oh, my poor girl, you have lost your heart to a rake!’ Kate’s sympathy had almost overset Susannah again. ‘I can see how one might easily fall in love with such a man, but it will not do. He is too much a flirt, universally charming to any pretty woman, but you could never be happy for long with such a man. He is far too insubstantial for you.’

Susannah thought back to the night she had spent with Jasper at Florence House. There had been nothing insubstantial about him there when he took charge of the cooking, his orders to Bessie echoing around the cavernous kitchen. Nor had there been anything rakish in his manner when they were sitting together later, in the parlour. Not that it made any difference now.

She raised her head and said again, ‘I shall make Gerald a good wife, I promise you.’

* * *

‘ love, shall we go? We arranged to meet your aunt at the circulating library.’

Gerald touched her elbow. Susannah turned to look at him, Copyright 2016 - 2024