Behind the Rake's Wicked Wager - By Sarah Mallory Page 0,61

put him from her mind, but when she saw him conversing with Gerald Barnabus all the pent-up anger of the past few days came flooding back.

As if aware of her eyes upon him, the viscount looked up. He touched Gerald’s arm and the two men approached. Susannah watched in growing anger and amazement as Jasper made his bow to her aunt. He was completely at his ease. She glared at him, but it had no effect. When he addressed her she quickly turned away from him, causing her filmy muslin skirts to flounce around her. How dare he think he could betray her and get away with it!

‘Miss Prentess, are you not well?’

‘Perfectly, thank you.’ She wanted to ignore him but he took her elbow and in the confusion of the crowded room he adroitly moved her away from her aunt.

‘Are you cross with me for staying away for so long?’ he said quietly. ‘I beg your pardon, but I had business to attend to, and thought, in the circumstances—’

‘In the circumstances, my lord,’ she interrupted him savagely, ‘it would be better if you stayed away for good,’

‘What is this? What have I done to offend you?’

‘As if you did not know!’

His brows snapped together.

‘No, I do not know. When we parted on Saturday—’

‘On Saturday you promised not to mention Florence House to anyone.’

‘And I have not done so.’

‘Why, then, is everyone talking of it? Why have I been subjected to cold stares and even been snubbed by my erstwhile acquaintances?’

‘Susannah, I give you my word—’

‘Don’t you dare use my name,’ she shot back at him. ‘How dare you even speak to me!’

She went to move away but his fingers tightened on her arm.

‘I do not know who has given away your secret, but it was not me.’

She shook off his hand.

‘Everyone else who knows about Florence House has been party to the secret for months and not a hint of it has leaked out. But only days after I tell you, it is common knowledge.’

‘However that may be, it is not my doing, and not my groom’s either. He knows better than to talk out of turn.’

‘I do not believe you.’ Her lip curled. ‘Pray leave me, Lord Markham. I have no wish for your company this evening.’

Susannah turned away and this time he made no attempt to prevent her. She made her way back through the crowd to her aunt’s side, prepared to explain the angry flush on her cheek, but Aunt Maude merely gave her a distracted smile.

‘Mr Barnabus has gone, Susannah, but he said to remind you that you promised to dance with him later. Oh dear, I have received the cut direct from at least two ladies, and Mrs Sanstead says I should persuade you to distance yourself from Florence House if you are not to be ostracised by Bath society.’

‘Really? How dare these small-minded matrons think they can dictate to me!’

‘Now, Susannah, pray be careful,’ Aunt Maude begged her. ‘Do not let your temper carry you away. We need the good offices of these ladies. How else are we to fund Florence House for the rest of this year?’

‘I neither know nor care,’ Susanna ground out furiously.

‘Perhaps we should close the house, until we have more funds.’

Aunt Maude’s tentative suggestion brought Susannah’s outraged eyes upon her, but after a moment her fury died down.

‘No, I will not do that, unless there is no other way.’ She looked around. ‘I expected to see Kate here.’

Mrs Wilby tutted.

‘Oh, my dear, it completely slipped my mind. She sent a note to say she was going out of town for a few days.’

‘That is a pity, I would have liked her support tonight. Never mind.’ Susannah put on a brave smile. ‘We shall stand our ground, Aunt. One or two may turn away from us, but our true friends will stand by us, and I hope once the gossip has died down we shall recover.’ She smiled mischievously. ‘Besides, I cannot leave yet. Odesse assured me this latest gown she has created for me will look its best when I am dancing.’

* * *

There was no lack of partners for Susannah, but the numbers soliciting her to dance were sadly diminished, and the high-nosed stares she received from a group of matrons standing with Mrs Farthing suggested that many of them were shocked to learn of her involvement with Florence House. Keeping her head high, Susannah smiled and laughed with her dance partners, but by the time she Copyright 2016 - 2024