Behind the Rake's Wicked Wager - By Sarah Mallory Page 0,5

go, and I see old Major Crommelly is coming over, no doubt to engage you for a game of picquet, which is his pretext to get you to himself and subject you to the most fulsome compliments.’

‘He may positively shower me with compliments as long as he is happy to play for pound points,’ chuckled Susannah, turning to greet the elderly gentleman who was approaching her.

* * *

It was well over an hour later that she rose from the table, refusing the major’s suggestion that they should play another hand.

‘But, my dear Miss Prentess, the night is yet young.’

‘It is indeed, but I have other guests to attend, Major, and cannot let you monopolise me.’ She softened her words with a smile and went off to join her aunt, whom she found bubbling with excitement.

‘Susannah, I am so glad you are come, I was determined to interrupt your game if you had not finished when you did.’

‘My dear ma’am, what has occurred to put you into a spin?’

‘Mr Barnabus has arrived—’

‘Is that all? How did he look? I hope he is not too downhearted—’

‘No, that is, I did not notice.’ Aunt Maude flapped her hands in excitement. ‘Did you see the stranger he brought with him?’

‘No, I was paying picquet with the major and had my back to the door.’ Susannah looked around. ‘Has Mr Barnabus brought another gentleman, then? That is good of him, and shows he has not taken umbrage at my refusal.’

‘No, not a gentleman, Susannah. A viscount. There, I knew that would make you stare.’

‘It does indeed. We have had nothing more prestigious than a baron here before, although I suppose General Sanstead is pretty high...’

Mrs Wilby tapped her niece’s arm with her closed fan.

‘Pray be serious, Susannah, his presence here adds distinction! You must let me make you known to him at once.’

‘By all means, Aunt. Lead on.’

‘No need, here he comes now,’ Mrs Wilby responded in a shrill whisper, and Susannah looked around to see two gentlemen approaching. The first, a stocky young man with an open, boyish countenance beneath a thatch of fair hair, was Gerald Barnabus, and after a brief smile of welcome she turned her attention to his companion. The contrast with Mr Barnabus was striking. Gerald looked neat—even smart—in his evening dress, but the viscount’s black coat bore all the hallmarks of a London tailor. It fitted perfectly across his shoulders and followed the tapering line of the body to his waist. Satin knee-breeches stretched over muscled thighs that hinted at the athlete, while the startling white of his quilted waistcoat and impeccable linen of his shirt and neckcloth proclaimed a level of sartorial elegance not often seen in Bath.

The man himself was tall and lean, with hair as dark as midnight. The golden, flickering candlelight accentuated the strong lines of his handsome face. When she met his eyes a little tremor ran down her spine. She was used to seeing admiration in a man’s look, but the viscount’s gaze was coolly appraising.

‘Ah, there you are, Miss Prentess,’ Gerald greeted her cheerfully. ‘I have brought a friend with me; I made sure you would not object to it. Well, I say friend, but he is some sort of cousin, actually...’

‘Come, Gerald, you are taking far too long about this.’

The viscount’s voice was low and pleasant, with just a hint of laughter. He turned to Susannah, the cool look in his eyes replaced by a glinting smile.

‘I am Markham.’ He gave a little bow. ‘How do you do?’

‘I am very well, my lord, thank you. And of course there can be no objection to your coming here with Mr Barnabus.’

‘Aye, I knew you would be pleased,’ said Gerald, grinning.

Susannah barely heard Gerald’s words for the viscount had reached for her hand and lifted it to his lips.

‘Are you making a long stay in Bath, my lord?’ She struggled to ignore the fluttering inside, like the soft beating of birds’ wings against her ribcage. The pad of his thumb had rubbed gently over her knuckles before he gave up her hand and her skin still tingled with the memory.

‘I am on my way to town. I merely stopped off to look in on my cousin.’

‘Aye, which is why I persuaded him to take pot luck here with me tonight,’ added Gerald.

‘And we are delighted to have you join us.’ Mrs Wilby spread her fan and looked about her while Susannah stood mute at her side, trying to make sense of her reaction Copyright 2016 - 2024