Behind the Rake's Wicked Wager - By Sarah Mallory Page 0,22

active interest in these poor women, do you, ma’am? Perhaps you take your daughters to visit them.’

‘Heavens, my dear, what can you be thinking of?’ declared Mrs Bulstrode with a nervous laugh. ‘Mrs

Farthing didn’t mean that, I am sure.’

‘Of course not. Why, Mr Farthing would never allow me to set foot in such a place, let alone our daughters. It would be to risk physical and moral contagion.’

Jasper saw the light of battle in Susannah’s eyes, but before she could reply Mrs Wilby swept forwards.

‘Dear me, where is that girl with the water? Mrs Sanstead, I am sure you would like more tea, and the General, too. This cold weather we are having is very drying on the throat, don’t you find?’ She bustled towards the tea-table. ‘Susannah, dearest, ring the bell again, if you please. We cannot have our guests go thirsty...’

Jasper sauntered over to Gerald.

‘A skilful interruption,’ he murmured appreciatively. ‘Pity. The conversation was becoming interesting. Far better than the usual dull inanities.’

Gerald gave him a distracted smile.

‘Indeed, but some of the guests are uncomfortable with the subject in mixed company.’

‘But not all.’ Jasper fixed his eyes on Susannah, who had approached with a cup of tea for Gerald. ‘Miss

Prentess advocates more discussion about the Magdalen Hospital, do you not, madam?’

She handed the cup to Gerald, saying as she did so, ‘It would do no harm for young women to be a little more informed on these matters. If they knew the risks of flirting with gentlemen they would be more cautious.’

‘You disapprove of flirting?’

‘It can be very dangerous.’

‘It can also be very enjoyable.’

Susannah turned her head to find him regarding her, that familiar, disturbing glint in his eye. She discovered that her breathing was restricted, as if Dorcas had laced her corsets too tightly. Yet the sensation was not unpleasant. Enjoyable.

He is flirting with me.

Sudden panic filled her, turning her bones to water so that she was unable to move. Those intense, blue-grey eyes held her gaze. She felt like a small animal in thrall to some predator. She swallowed, desperately trying to regain her composure. The glint in his eyes deepened to pure amusement and a sudden spurt of anger released her.

She stepped back, distancing herself. She could excuse herself and move away, but such was her perverse nature that she preferred to make a retort.

‘Enjoyable? Yes, if both parties know it is nothing more than a game.’

‘So you do not disapprove.’

She forced herself to hold his gaze.

Walk away, Susannah. Walk away now. Instead, she lifted her chin.

‘I disapprove of gentlemen who take advantage of innocent young women.’

He moved closer, filling the space she had made between them and setting her skin tingling with anticipation.

‘But you are no innocent miss,’ he murmured provocatively. ‘You said so yourself.’

‘Jasper, do not tease her so!’ Gerald’s laughing protest hardly registered.

Susannah’s brows lifted. She continued to give Jasper look for look.

‘Then you will not be able to take advantage of me, my lord.’

‘No?’ The gleam in his eyes became even more pronounced. If she was fanciful she could imagine twin devils dancing there.

Devilishly handsome, Kate had called him. The faint, upward curve to his mouth brought the words rushing back to her.

‘Is that a challenge, Miss Prentess?’ His voice was low, sliding over her skin like cool silk and raising the hairs at the back of her neck.

Gerald was watching them, his smile uncertain and a faint crease in his brow. Common sense reasserted itself, yet Susannah’s stubborn pride would not let her bow her head and move away. Instead she gave the viscount a haughty smile.

‘Of course not. I would not have you waste your time.’

She excused herself and walked off, head high, hoping her knees would not buckle beneath her. What was she doing, responding to him in that way? As well tease a wild animal! The last thing she needed was to have him paying attention to her.

Jasper watched her walk away and realised he was smiling. The blood thrummed through his body, a sure sign that he had enjoyed the interchange.


He looked up to find Gerald regarding him.

‘Jasper, I won’t have you pursuing Miss Prentess if you mean nothing but mischief. She is too good, too honourable, to deserve that.’

He observed the slightly anxious look in Gerald’s eyes. Good? Honourable? Perhaps she was, but why then should she lie about being abroad in her carriage that morning? He still wanted an answer to that one, but he was experienced enough to know that he would not Copyright 2016 - 2024