Behind the Rake's Wicked Wager - By Sarah Mallory Page 0,12

the man beside her. His evening clothes were simple, a plain coat of black superfine with black knee-breeches of Florentine silk, but they were superbly cut and he wore them with an air of assurance. He was a man used to commanding attention, and she could not deny that he had hers. They were standing side by side, inches apart, and the skin on her arm tingled at his proximity. Her whole body was aware of him, of the power in that long, lean frame. No man had ever affected her like this before. Swallowing nervously, she sought for something to say.

‘I thought you had left Bath, my lord.’

‘Not yet. My cousin appears very happy with the attractions here and I decided to stay and—er—sample them for myself.’

A wary look appeared in her hazel eyes.

‘For one used to the delights of London, I fear you will find it sadly flat.’

‘Are you trying to discourage me, Miss Prentess?’

‘Not at all. But I believe our entertainment is nothing to London.’

‘And how long have you lived here?’

‘We moved into Bath about a year ago.’

‘Then you shall advise me on the entertainments available.’

‘I am sure your cousin can do that, sir.’

‘But I would value a different perspective.’

‘I would be only too happy to help you, sir, if I had the time, but I regret I am too busy at present.’

‘Busy? With what?’

She ignored his question.

‘But here is someone who may be able to help you.’ She looked past him. ‘You know Mrs Logan, I think?

‘We met last night.’ Jasper bowed. ‘Madam.’

‘Ah, yes, Viscount Markham.’ The widow held out her hand to him. ‘We played at euchre together. How could I forget?’

‘The viscount is planning to remain in Bath for a while, Kate.’

Jasper’s keen eye did not miss the look of appeal Susannah gave her friend.

‘Indeed? How delightful.’

‘Yes, and he is anxious to know what entertainments the city offers. Perhaps, Kate, you can assist the viscount? You must excuse me, but I see my next dance partner is looking for me...’

With a gracious smile she hastened away. Jasper watched her go, his eyes narrowing. Outmanoeuvred, by gad, and by a slip of a girl. He told himself he was amused by her antics, but to one more accustomed to being toadied to and courted wherever he went, Jasper could not deny a small element of annoyance.

‘Well, my lord?’ Mrs Logan’s voice cut through his thoughts and he turned back to her, his urbane smile firmly in place.

‘Yes, madam, pray tell me the delights I might expect to find in Bath...’

* * *

Susannah hurried away to join her partner for the next dance set. She found her encounters with the viscount strangely unsettling. He was undoubtedly handsome and charming, but her impression upon meeting him for the first time was that he was suspicious of her. He had as good as accused her of having designs upon his cousin, but she hoped she had reassured him on that point. He did not like her, she was sure of that. There was no warmth in his eyes when he looked at her. Why, then, was he singling her out?

‘Wrong way, Miss Prentess!’

Her partner’s urgent whisper brought Susannah back to the dance and she tried to concentrate upon her steps, but even as she twirled and passed and skipped she was aware that the viscount was watching her from the side of the room. Perhaps he was looking out for a rich wife. Another pass, another skip and she gave her hands to her partner to swing her around. She also gave the young gentleman her warmest smile. If Lord Markham thought he only had to parade his title before her and she would fall at his feet, then he was very much in error.

* * *

Susannah danced and laughed until her feet and her cheeks ached. Her partners had never known her so vivacious, nor so encouraging. She never once looked for the viscount, but when the ball ended she was disappointed to learn from Mrs Logan that he had left soon after speaking to her.

‘He was less interested in knowing about Bath than learning about you,’ Kate told her as they waited for their cloaks.

‘Oh?’ Susannah tried not to be intrigued and failed miserably. ‘What did he say?’

‘He asked about your parents.’ Kate’s cynical smile dawned. ‘If he is looking for a rich bride he could do worse.’

‘No, he could not.’ Susannah shivered. ‘He is wasting his time with me. I do not want a husband, Copyright 2016 - 2024