The Beginning of Everything by Kristen Ashley Page 0,128

Wodell, her beloved husband, and her beloved son, they weren’t heading in the right direction.

It may be she’d have to make a choice.

Her king.

Or her son.

It was no choice really.

She loved her husband. She very much did.

But he was weak.

She tired of standing behind a man who was weak.

Being his wife, it meant a lifetime of holding him up.

And she intended to see her son seated on the throne of Wodell.

Even if she died doing it.

No, there was no choice.

Mercy picked True.


The Offer

Princess Elena

Grand Stairwell, Catrame Palace, Fire City


“I’ll have your ear, if I may, Your Grace.”

I turned to see the Go’Doan calling to me.

What was his name?


I stopped where I was on the landing and dipped my chin.

“Of course, Liam, how may I assist you?”

“Do you have a moment to speak privately?”

I studied his face.

It was bland.

Giving away nothing.

But one did not waste the opportunity of getting at least something from a Go’Doan.

Or I didn’t as I found fascinating each tidbit of the puzzle that was them.

“Perhaps one of King Mars’s informal rooms,” I murmured.

He stepped to the side and lifted an arm, the long alabaster sleeve of his robe falling nearly to his knee.

And he was tall.

He was also handsome. Fair. Prominent features that were manly, but not aggressive. Hazel eyes with spiky lashes.

The Go’Ella acolytes probably lined up by the score to be selected by him.

This thought made my stomach curl with a certain kind of sick.

I nevertheless preceded him, making my way back down the stairs, and looked right at the bottom when I didn’t wish to look right.

I just couldn’t stop myself.

And of course, although the last days I rarely saw him, Cassius was standing outside the meeting rooms, appearing most perturbed, one of his men at his side, King Aramus at his other, all of them listening to True, who had Alfie next to him.

And of course, Cassius’s gaze came to me as if he could sense my very presence near his.

His eyes took me in then instantly narrowed on the Go’Doan.

“This way, princess?” Liam suggested.

I turned away from the prince and nodded to the priest.

We pivoted to the eastern corridor, walked down the hall and went into a room with an open door that was empty.

Liam closed the door behind us.

“Is all well, G’Liam?” I asked, walking deeper into the room.

“I do not think so,” he answered, coming toward me, and with that as his only preamble, he announced, “For your mother is gravely ill.”

My stomach pitched as my blood ran cold, but despite this, I hoped my expression was as bland as his had been on the stairwell.

And I was pleased to hear my voice was neutral and steady when I replied.

“She is well, Liam. Whyever would you suggest differently?”

“She is ill, Princess Elena, and I’m sorry to say, but from what I’ve learned of her condition, she will not recover.”

Oh my goddess.

A pain pierced my chest.

But I could not think on that injury.

I didn’t know how he knew she was ill or what he knew about her “condition” as I didn’t even know of her condition.

I just knew that unless she talked about it with one of her lieutenants, she didn’t talk about it at all.

And it would be safe to assume, especially in a time like this, she didn’t want anyone to know about it.

You were only as strong as your leader.

Melisse didn’t teach me that.

My mother did.

For these reasons, I added heat to my tone when I demanded, “Why would you say such things?”

“Because I have studied this, as did my mentor before I entered the Go’Doan. We have potions. To help with the pain. To aid in keeping the appetite healthy. Both we believe will not only help lift fatigue but also prolong life with a quality that is…tolerable.”


“Again, I will stress my mother is not ill. But regardless, generally, and I hope you take no offense, Liam, but Nadirii treat Nadirii,” I reminded him.

He spoke like I did not.

“I cannot say I’m making great advancements. It would take many more who had an interest in this study, more subjects to study, and it would be important to oversee the effects of treatments for a longer period of time. What I will tell you is what I’ve noticed so far is promising.”

I was saved from replying when the door opened, and Prince Cassius strode in.

I studied him as he did.

Really, did he have to be that tall?

And did he have to fill out his leathers like that?

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