The Beginning of Everything by Kristen Ashley Page 0,118

and given a sleeping draught.”

Drey knew none of their names. They’d never spoken them. Even in the heat of passion.

Though he now knew their playmate was called Persephone.

“Not Persephone,” Drey blurted.

The warrior looked to him but a moment before he returned his attention to his wife.

“Saturn,” he grunted and then he looked again to Drey. “He is a soldier. Young. Strapping. We use him when my wife wishes to watch others at play or me at work up a warrior’s arse. He likes hole and cunt and taking cock. He will gladly suckle you, amico. And once you heal, when you need a shaft up your arse with a milking hand to your cock, he will give that to you too.”

“My name is G’Drey,” he whispered.

“It is not,” the warrior returned. “What is your true name?”

Drey was still whispering when he said a name he hadn’t said, or heard, or thought, in years, “Tedrey. I am Tedrey Swensson of the Dellish.”

The warrior nodded. “And I am Lorenz Chronis, and this is my beloved, Nyx, as you know, of the Firenz. And you are now not only of our bed, but of our house, which means under my protection. And that means no one will harm you again.”

And with that, the warrior stormed out.

Drey watched him do this, witnessing the stiffness of his gait, which meant his control of his fury.

He was furious.

For Drey.

“You’ll find he’s overprotective, caro,” the wife, Nyx, shared. “Though this sometimes causes problems, most of the time, it’s quite charming.”

He looked to her.

“I have concerns,” he admitted, his voice beginning to tremble.

She lifted a hand and laid it light on the side of his face, her eyes warming.

“Think naught of them, mio piccolo buco. Lorenz is crafty, and he is thorough. You are safe. You will be looked after.” She smiled a lovely smile. “And you are now truly ours, so we will both take care of you.”

She dropped her hand, and oddly, Drey missed it when she did.

She then scooted off the bed and looked down at him sternly.

“Rest here for now. Do not shift your robes over you, for they will aggravate the gashes. I shall call for Saturn. Ask him to attend you. Request he bring Faunus. While they make their way to us, I will see to your wounds. I have a special salve that is numbing. It should offer you some relief.”

She suddenly grinned a grin he was used to, but he had never liked.

Until now.

“Saturn will be much aroused, suckling you, and thus will need his own cock, likely at the back. I’ll get leave from Lorenz. He would not normally grant it for me, but in your state, I feel he’ll be generous. Thus, after Saturn is done swallowing your seed, we will together watch them at play while the sleeping draught works within you. That will be sure to give you good dreams.”

They would watch them together?



She leaned his way with a wicked look in her eyes which he also found quite appealing.

“Faunus is most rough, caro, and Saturn is nearly as big as my husband. Quite the sight to behold as he very much enjoys a strong, thorough fucking. And when he gushes, his seed,” she rolled her eyes in ecstasy, rolling them back only for him to see they were dancing, “so much, you will think he won’t ever stop climaxing. Or this is what you will hope. If you wish, if it won’t cause you pain, we will make him do it in your mouth.”

“I wish,” Drey whispered fervently.

Oh, did he wish.

He didn’t care if it caused pain.

She gave him an indulgent smile.

“And so he shall. Thus they will be sweet dreams indeed, my Tedrey.”

With that, she swept out.

And G’Drey lay atop their soft bed, on their smooth silks, no pain at his arse for he was not moving, and he stared at the door she’d walked through realizing he’d just been claimed by a Firenz husband and his wife.

He was theirs.

To use.

To amuse.

To protect.

And to care for.

He had never had thus in his life.

Not even, really, from his chosen one for Drey was there and definitely unprotected.

Therefore, for the first time since his father beat the ability out of him when he had caught his son taking farm boy cock in the stables, this before sending him away with orders never to return, Drey began weeping.

It would be some time later, on his back, his arse on soft cushions, his head too, his mouth filled Copyright 2016 - 2024