The Beginning of Everything by Kristen Ashley Page 0,104

behind me with but a small grin up at my king (who was gazing indulgently down at me) as I closed him away from me.

Tril immediately came out of her room once the latch clicked.

“Was that the king I heard?” she asked.

“Yes,” I answered dreamily.

She studied my face.

Then she decreed, “He kissed you.”

“Yes,” I repeated, even more dreamily.

I had a mind to skip and twirl to the bed.

Instead I floated there, turned to it, and plopped backward on it.

I felt it depress and then I saw Tril’s face above mine.

She was frowning at my nostril. “Does that gold hurt?”

I looked into her eyes.

“No. It feels like heaven.”

Her gaze came to mine.

And it was then, my Tril smiled at me.


The Cards

Princess Elena

Guest Suite, Second Floor, East Corridor, Catrame Palace, Fire City


When the sun was a sliver on the horizon, just touching the sky with the new day, I left my rooms.

I did this after donning my purple body stocking with the thin straps and high cuts at the hips over which I added my lavender tunic with the coral trim that had some gilding at the V-neck and around the hem.

This I tied with my gold belt.

I also took up my rug and cards.

I walked on bare feet through the palace into the still-dark but ever-lightening gardens on a course to the spot on the east side that I’d spied the day before.

I stopped in the small clearing that had the fountain affixed to the garden wall that was a cascade of staggered, carved, rusted stone bowls fed one after the other from the head of a snake at the top.

The snake’s mouth was open, fangs bared, water flowing through and down into the bowls, to finally plunge into a small pool on the ground.

I set my cards aside, flipped out the rug and sat cross-legged on it, facing the fountain.

I was not surprised, even with the peaceful falling of the water, when I could not clear my mind in order to find some contentment.

I was tense, not sleeping well, and my head was a jumble of thoughts and worries.

Mother had rested the morning before, rather than joining the others at the diplomatic table.

This was good for she looked paler, was tiring faster, and not eating well.

And her mouth was beginning to appear like it was pinched with pain.

This was a worry.

As it had been a worry for some time.

But it was getting to be more of a worry.

However, after the piercing ceremony, she’d been called into the meeting rooms with the others and she was in them well into the night.

Too much for her.

All of this was too much for her.

And we’d be traveling again soon, with Silence and Mars only having a few days of nuptial bliss to enjoy in Firenze (and to my surprise, but tentative delight for Silence, this seemed as if it would be the case) before we would again be on our horses, bound for Wodell.

My mother needed to sit still, conduct some rituals and allow some healing practices.

She was not doing this.

This was a worry too.

Then there was Serena, who had been so vile to Cassius and myself it was beyond her normal level of vile.

I did not understand that.

This was also a worry.

Then, of course, there was Dora.

The man who killed her mother was in that very palace.

I had no intention of telling my girl this was the case. There was no need to speak of it.


But with Serena being the way Serena was being, I might be forced to do just that.

Better it come from me than however Serena might connive to impart that information.

Then there was Cassius…

I did not wish to think about Cassius.

Though he had been busy at the diplomatic table as well, even through dinner the night before, so I did not have to engage with him yesterday nor introduce him to Dora as he’d threatened at the betrothal dinner.

But today was another day and I had to find the inner equanimity to handle whatever came of it.

Deciding against continuing to attempt to meditate, I undid my belt and set it aside before pulling off my tunic.

I then straightened my spine further and dropped my chin in my neck, folding one hand over the other at the back of my head to deepen the stretch. The same when I dropped my head to each side.

I then lifted an arm up, fell sideways so my opposite forearm was against my rug, and I reached over my head.

And the other side.

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