Been There Done That (Leffersbee #1) - Hope Ellis Page 0,69

of the day always lift my burden, the way it did just now?

God. I’d almost had it all, all those years ago.

“Good stuff here,” I announced. There was barely enough room to arrange it all on the table. “They even had a dog treat for Sir Duke.”

“Really?” She grinned down at him. He’d curled up under the table, resting his mammoth head on her feet. “I was just thinking that he shouldn’t be left out of all the fun.”

“I’ll give it to him at the end of our walk. He’s got a sensitive stomach and can’t really eat after exercising.”

She blinked at me. “I can’t believe you went out of your way to adopt a geriatric dog with a sensitive stomach.”

I shrugged. “We all come with baggage, right?”

She stared. “I guess so.”

“You want any brownie?”

She peered at the contents of my wax paper. “I should say no.”

I tore off a hunk of brownie and planted it on her side. “It’s Sunday. It’s not a day for shoulds.”

“You too, huh?”


“You still look stressed. You’ve got that tired look you’d get when you were working too much and studying all night. Still not sleeping, huh?”

I watched her, thinking we both needed to put each other out of our misery. If I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t stop calculating how much better it might be between us this second time around . . . well, I hoped she was similarly afflicted.

“Are you? Sleeping? What’s keeping you up at night?”

Her eyes widened briefly before her gaze dropped to the table. “Just a lot on my mind.”

“Me too. Feels like I can’t quite escape all the memories of this place. I’m realizing now that most of my favorite memories from Green Valley and growing up were with you.”

She kept her gaze on the table. “Well, all that was a long time ago.”

“Was it? Feels like only yesterday to me. For instance, I know you don’t really want that bland, dry-looking muffin over there.”

“Watch yourself. Nothing is dry or bland here.”

I bit back a smile at the playful challenge in her voice, relieved to feel us slipping into a familiar rhythm. “Fair enough. But that’s why I got you the red velvet cake.” I slid the plate over to her and enjoyed the way she bit her lip in response. “Because I know you. I know you’ll always treat someone else, always go the extra mile for someone you love while denying yourself.”

“You don’t know me,” she said, and it sounded like a dare. “Not after all this time.”

I decided we were at a place where I could poke back a little. “Are you gonna tell me you didn’t just get in a fight with Tavia?” Her face slackened and her expression went blank as she gaped at me.


I swallowed back a smile at her obvious surprise. “You’ve got the look you always got when the two of you went a few rounds and your post-sugar soother is already in place.” I handed her one of the forks. “Might as well indulge in a form of sugar you’ll actually enjoy.”

Her mouth fell open. One of the curls in her ponytail slid free. I fought the urge to touch it, to test its softness.

“I’m right, aren’t I?” I took a bite of brownie. Salt and sugar launched a dual attack on my taste buds.

It was divine.

“You’re right.”

I shoved more brownie in my mouth. We were going to need another one soon. “Some things don’t change, huh?”

“I guess not,” she said, and I couldn’t interpret the look that suddenly crossed her face. “I guess that’s how it is with families.”

I felt a twinge of frustration and sadness, sensing her obvious distress. Zora had always been bothered by the fact that she and her sister weren’t close, even though she’d come to understand that they were simply very different creatures with sharply contrasting personalities.

“I think so. I’ve got a cousin, Emily. She’s so much younger than me, and really, she’s more of a sister. I love her, but I have no idea how we made it this long without us choking each other.” I laughed.

“Accurate. Audre’s away at UCLA, but I want to kill Walker and Tavia on a daily basis.” She fiddled with a crumpled napkin. “I’ve been meaning to ask you . . . why did you pay for Carly’s son? For his senior trip?”

I blinked at the abrupt topic change. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

She reached over, lightning fast, and pinched my forearm. I let out Copyright 2016 - 2024