Because You're Mine (The Gallaghers #3) - Layla Hagen Page 0,5

he was cute. I was too shy to even speak around him though. Henry had brought him to Mom’s house. I’d woken up one morning, striding into the kitchen wearing pink, fluffy pajamas, and there he was. I’d blushed all the way to the tip of my ears, spilled tea on myself, and disappeared into my room.

I saw him a couple more times over the years, but it wasn’t until I was seventeen and I stayed with Henry for a full week that I realized Ian wasn’t just cute—he was sinfully hot. I’d loved his humor and daredevil attitude. He didn’t even look my way, though. I didn’t think I registered as anything more than Henry’s little sister.

The summer I turned twenty-one, Henry asked if I wanted to spend a few weeks with him, Ian, and a couple of friends in Lake Tahoe. I said yes before he even finished the sentence. It had been hands down the best vacation of my life: lying around in the sun for hours, enjoying cocktails and a good book. And Ian... well, I wasn’t going to lie. I’d had a bit of a crush on him. But who could blame me? He was six feet of pure muscle. He was different than anyone I’d dated in college. They’d all been boys, but Ian was a man... who’d seemed intent on keeping me from sneaking into shady clubs, but nothing else.

I hadn’t touched base in the two years since, but seeing him when I came to interview for this job was like a shock to my system. I'd hoped that I had grown immune to him by the time I met him again, but that hadn't happened. Maybe I’d get luckier next time. I was sure that my body wouldn't react the same way again.

I called my brother before leaving. He’d left me a few messages already.

"Hey. I was waiting for your call yesterday,” he said. “Figured you had a lot to do to get situated.”

“I was up to my elbows trying to unpack.”

"So how do you like the city? How did Ian treat you?"

"Well, I didn't see anything of the city, and Ian was very friendly. He helped me carry all my suitcases, even offered to show me around the city. I'm meeting him right now."

"Okay. I'm glad he’s available to give you a tour, but a word of caution. Ian is an excellent friend. Very loyal and sticks around; he’s always been there throughout the years. But that said, he wouldn't make a good boyfriend. Not at all. He’s a player, just like me."

Oh, Henry, could you be any more obvious? "Thanks for the warning, brother. You’ve only mentioned that like a million times already."

"I mean it. He's my best friend, remember? I know him very well, and he’s just not the right guy for you."

"I'll keep that in mind. I promise. If it makes you feel any better, I'm also meeting his sisters."

"I don't think you need a chaperone, Ellie. That's not what I meant."

Really? Because I felt that I might need a chaperone. If he looked at me again with those sinful blue eyes, I was going to combust spontaneously. Oh, Ian, Ian. He had made an impression on me. He was so gallant, helping me with my bags and everything. I loved his humor too. It gave him an edge that enticed me.

"You have nothing to worry about, Henry." I tried to reassure him. “I'll check in with you later today. Okay? I want to open the map he sent me on my phone so I know where I’m going."

"Have fun. I'm very proud of you." Henry and I have always had a good sibling relationship, supportive of one another, so him saying that to me made me happy.

"Thanks.” After hanging up, I put on my sneakers and glanced in the mirror. I was wearing jeans and a thin white T-shirt with short sleeves. It was still warm outside even though it was September.

Henry and I were very close despite the age gap. Our parents divorced when I was in middle school. They both remarried, each bringing more kids into their marriage. We had a stepbrother from my mom's side and a stepsister from my dad's side. Henry and I lived with our mom, but neither of us fit in either of the new families very well. We always joked as kids that we were lucky because we had twice as many presents on Christmas, birthdays, and every other Copyright 2016 - 2024