Beauty in Ashes (Phoenix Rising #7)- Harper Wylde Page 0,51

be sure. “Just hold on, Molly,” I begged. “He’ll come, you know he’ll come.”

“Molls, you have to hold on.” Theo’s voice cracked as he stroked her sunny hair. “Come on, sweetheart, open your eyes again.” His blue gaze was frantic behind his glasses, his hair sticking up in spikes as he reached over to add more pressure to his sister’s wound. “Ryder!” he shouted. “Damien!” he cried, and I knew he was throwing his plea to Damien as well, hoping he’d open the mental link and we could reach Ry as the battle continued to wage around us.

“She’s gone,” Rini said. “He can’t heal her when she’s gone.” Her voice broke on the last word, and she reached a bloodied hand up to stroke Molly’s cheek, staining her ashen skin.

“No.” I didn’t know if I actually said the word, or if it was merely an echo in my head, my heart, my very soul. I can’t do this again. I can’t. I couldn’t lose Molly too, not my baby sister. Dizziness swamped me, darkness edging into my vision, but I pushed it away, my only focus the girl before me, the girl going cold despite the heat I tried to force into her.

My Phoenix let out an ear-piercing cry inside me, pushing against my mind, her power rolling over me in a wave and then across Molly, revealing the smallest flicker of something I couldn’t identify but knew was the only thing that could hold her to us.

“There’s something there.” I could feel it, even if I didn’t understand it. A spark inside her, an ember, barely glowing in her chest, moments from burning out. I knew, I just knew that if I could keep it going, keep it warm, then Ryder could heal her.

“Molly.” Her name fell in a desperate, ragged plea from Theo’s lips as he pressed his forehead against hers. “I’m so sorry, Molly.” His tears tracked down her cheeks, almost as if they were her own, as he cradled her head gently, stroking her hair and crooning her name.

“She’s not dying. I’m not going to let her. I don’t accept it. Not any of it.” My words reverberated in my ears as my Phoenix pushed herself against my mind, urging me to let her take control.

Power thrummed through my body, pounding with my heartbeat. I just had to help her hold on. I had to keep her spirit here. Didn’t Ciarán tell me something about souls? About their light?

My Phoenix cooed, encouraging me along that train of thought. This wasn’t like what happened with Gaspard. I hadn’t been able to save Grandpa. He’d been too far gone, his body mutilated, his light extinguished, and I’d been too weak, having just slayed Ishida. Molly’s wound was severe, but it was healable. Her body wasn’t mangled the way Gaspard’s had been, past the healing of even Ryder at his fullest strength.

She was young. She had so much life left to live.

Visions of her walking down her own aisle one day toward Cedric and maybe even Tao left a warm hope inside my aching chest. Her arms cradled around her own little blonde baby, one who looked just like her. Angela’s smiling face as she stole the baby away and cooed, a happy, proud grandmother.

I wouldn’t let her light go out. I didn’t care what it cost.

I just needed time to slow down. I just needed for Ryder to get here. I just needed to keep Molly from losing more blood. I just needed to keep her body warm.

The thoughts thrashed inside my head, a desperate truth I couldn’t ignore.

“Get Ryder, Rini,” I ordered, my throat and voice raw.

Her eyes turned to me.

“Nix…” She tried to explain what she thought she knew, and I didn’t blame her for it, but we were out of time. She needed to follow orders.

“Get him!” I demanded.

Her eyes widened and she nodded, sniffled, and stood on wobbly knees. Molly’s blood soaked almost every inch of the front of her gown just as it did mine. The white wedding dress I had been so proud of was hidden underneath pure carnage as the tacky fabric clung to my skin.

Waves of light collected around me, heralding my shift as my Phoenix forced herself forward. She was in control now, and I happily let her lead. If it would save Molly, I’d do whatever she asked. Her instincts knew something that my human mind hadn’t fully worked out. I needed her help, and she needed the Copyright 2016 - 2024