Beauty in Ashes (Phoenix Rising #7)- Harper Wylde Page 0,37

Angela and Li Min started passing out snacks on tiny little dessert plates and asking who wanted a cupcake, Rini leaned in with a cheeky, all-knowing smile, before none too quietly whispering, “Now who’s the friend who needs to dish on all the dirty details? What’s that blush for, Nix?”

I smacked her lightly, but I couldn’t stay irritated at her teasing for long. Life was too short, after all, and I was ready to live it to the fullest.

Just a few more days, and I’d officially have a family, six mates, and a lifetime of happiness waiting for me.

Those comforting thoughts chased away any lingering melancholy I felt about my mother and warmed me from the inside out.

Yes, I was ready. More than ready.

But first, did someone say something about cupcakes?



I paced outside of Damien’s office, trying to build up the courage to knock on the door or simply let myself in. I had no doubt that he’d be happy to see me. My mates always were, but my stomach was coiled into tight knots that would take days to unwind.

Why had I talked myself into this again?

A blurry, unfocused image of my mother swam through my thoughts, and I blew out a calming, steadying breath and lifted my fist.

My knuckles wrapped lightly against the wooden door, and I held my breath, listening for any noise on the other side.

Maybe he wasn’t in there. Had he gone to lunch? Yeah, he probably needed to eat. I should come back another—

“I was wondering when you were going to make up your mind and decide to come in,” Damien said as he opened the door. His smile pulled up one side of his mouth as he leaned against the frame, looking like the embodiment of Thor and Captain America’s love child. Damien was that gorgeous, all ripped muscles, golden skin, and dark hair. If I wasn’t so twisted up inside right now, I’d be contemplating pushing him inside the office, locking the door, and rocking his world on top of his desk.

His eyes ate up the sight of me standing before him, and he pushed the door open wider.

“Are you going to come in?” he drawled quietly, the rumble of his seductive voice luring me inside before I’d ever opened my mouth to give him an answer.

Each one of my men was like a magnet, drawing me to them like a moth to a pretty colored flame. Funny, seeing as how I was the one with the fire power, but I was captivated by their allure, unable to resist.

“I didn’t want to bother you.” I looked for any excuse to leave. This was a bad idea. The worst. I shouldn’t be asking Damien to help me, let alone actually trying to go through with this idea.

The door clicked shut, and Damien strode past me, moving to lean against the front of his newly appointed desk. He crossed his arms and his ankles, creating a picture of an important CEO—or, you know, a leader of a rebellion.

“Your mind is shut so tightly, I can’t even get an inkling of what’s bothering you. What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

“I must be easy enough to read if you can tell something is wrong just by looking at me,” I replied, giving myself another few minutes to get the words I needed to say onto my tongue.

Damien studied me, and his gaze warmed my skin.

“You’re fidgeting with your fingers.” His eyes dropped to where I wrung my hands together, and I immediately stopped. “And your heart rate increased purely from anxiety. With my enhanced hearing, I can make out every hard pound as it beats a staccato rhythm in your chest. Would you like more examples, or are you ready to stop stalling and share your worries with me?” Damien prodded gently. “I can’t help if I don’t know what’s wrong.”

“That’s the thing.” I bit my lip, then finally released it and just spit it out. “I’m nervous to even ask this.”

Damien softened, and he pushed off the desk, walking up and stopping in front of me. Only two feet separated us, and Damien took my face between his large, lightly callused hands. “Take a leap of faith, and at least let me hear what’s on your mind so I can judge for myself if it’s something to be nervous about.”

His thumbs moved in a back and forth stroking motion, and I melted into him, releasing all of my built-up tension on a sigh. I opened my mind to Copyright 2016 - 2024