Beauty and the Beastmaster - Linda Winstead Jones Page 0,35

carry-all on the back of the stroller. Judge seemed happy to be outside again. So did Mia, who chattered and gurgled as they walked back toward home. What to make for dinner? What would Silas like? After Mia’s nap they’d walk to the grocery store and hope inspiration struck. She couldn’t go wrong with meat and potatoes.

As she approached her street a tingle worked up Gabi’s spine. She glanced back, half expecting to find someone watching her. No one was on the sidewalk, or in the street. Still, she was doubly glad to have Judge walking beside her, as her gaze flitted to the woods at the end of the street for a moment, and she realized how deep and dark the woods that surrounded Mystic Springs could be.

Silas took his dogs for a run, fed and watered them, then jogged to the springs to see if there had been any activity in the past couple of days. All was quiet, which was unusual for this time of year. In a couple of weeks, that would change. As the earth celebrated life with new growth animals of all kinds, birds and insects, would celebrate as well.

He usually showered right before bed, but today he got a shower hours earlier than usual. Maybe he’d decided not to play Jenna’s game, but she didn’t know that. He wouldn’t step back and let her assign someone else the job. Besides, he wanted to see Gabi. Was he a complete fool to be optimistic about where “dinner” might lead?

He’d made the mistake of being optimistic about Samantha, another Non-Springer who’d found her way to Mystic Springs. She’d been beautiful, and naive, and blindly ignorant of the magic that was so evident all around her. He’d been younger then, young enough to be swept away by a pretty face and great sex. When he’d shown Samantha what he could do, when he’d revealed his abilities to her knowing there was no way forward without that revelation, she’d been horrified. He’d never forget the expression on her face. She’d been afraid. Of him.

Other Springers had made lives with people from outside the community, why couldn’t he? He wasn’t looking for a great romance, a destined love, his other half. For a long time he’d planned to live his life alone and unmarried. What else could a man who liked animals better than people ask for? Lately he’d had the occasional stray thought about having a family. One not as dysfunctional as his own had been. One that might endure. Otherwise who would he pass his gift to?

It was just a coincidence that these thoughts had come to him after he’d kissed Gabi Lawson.

If he was smart he’d call off this dinner right now, before things went any further. But apparently he wasn’t smart. When it came to women he wasn’t smart at all. What the hell was he thinking? Gabi wouldn’t be here long. If he didn’t run her out of town someone else would. If he ever did settle down it would have to be with one of the Springers who’d be trapped here with him. Maybe that teacher who was psychic. Her name was Nelia, she was a cousin to the Franklin twins, and none of her students could get away with anything. Then there was the witch who’d started helping Eve at the café. Her name was Ruby or Rosie or something like that. She was a distant relation to the Milhouses, but he didn’t think she turned, like the men did. If she did, she kept it a secret.

Not that either of them did anything for him, even though they were both pretty and seemed nice enough. No, he would be better off with his original plan. Alone, always.

It wouldn’t be, couldn’t be, Gabi. Jenna was determined to get her out of Mystic Springs before the isolation spell went down.

Unless he decided to stop her. He hadn’t gotten there yet, but maybe…

If Jenna got her way, Gabi would be run out of town one way or another. Once she was gone and the spell was cast, she’d forget him. She’d forget everything and everyone connected to Mystic Springs. That should make him happy, but instead a knot settled in his gut.

He walked to town, taking the trail he and his dogs normally ran, going over his options for the days to come while at the same time wondering if he’d end up in Gabi’s bed tonight. Damian had a cot in the Copyright 2016 - 2024