Beautifully Stolen - Charity Parkerson Page 0,32

I deserved your anger. Honestly, I don’t know why I reacted like that. You deserve better from me.”

Brett shook his head. “You want me to be different than everyone else, and—for a moment—my gift made you feel like I’m not. I get it. I want you to be different from everyone else, and—for a moment—your reaction made me feel like you’re not.” He felt Brett shrug like he hadn’t just hit the nail on the head. “No one has ever fallen in love with me and I’ve never been in love before you. It makes sense that it would make me overly sensitive until I feel like we’re secure.”

Roman started to laugh, because Brett was always so goddamn logical, but then Brett’s words sank in. “Wait. Did you just admit to being in love with me?”

Brett tilted his chin up and met Roman’s gaze. “Well, yeah. I told you in the bathroom that I wanted you to let me love you.”

The shock had Roman acting even thicker than usual. “Yeah but wanting to love me isn’t the same as actually loving me.”

A line appeared between Brett’s eyebrows before clearing away. “Fair enough. I love you, and I know that it’s real, because I would never humiliate myself by saying something like that this fast unless I felt it.”

A smile snapped to Roman’s lips. He really did love this sexy genius. “I believe you. No one in their right mind would put up with me unless they love me. I love you too.” He dragged Brett up his body until he could go nose to nose with Brett. “Don’t you dare threaten to leave me like that again.”

Laughter flashed in Brett’s eyes. “What will you do if I do?”

He hadn’t thought that far ahead. “I’ll cry, and trust me, you don’t want to see me cry. It’s ugly.” Brett’s laughter kept Roman talking. “Like runny nose and blotchy skin ugly. I’ll sit on the floor and hold your legs, refusing to let go, while I wipe snot on your expensive pants.”

“Ewww, stop.” Brett’s body shook with laughter.

“You’ve never seen dramatics like mine. You’ll have people calling child services on you. When the police arrive, I’ll give them the big eyes and tell them how you’ve abused my feelings.”

Brett shook his head. “You’re ridiculous.”

“Maybe I am,” Roman said, tightening his hold on Brett, and turning serious. “Or maybe there’s no low too low when it comes to keeping you. I’ve never missed anyone. I miss you all the time. This past month, I didn’t call because I was terrified you didn’t miss me, and that I would look like just another desperate guy in your life if I called first.” He winced. “I was waiting for you to call.”

To his surprise, Brett chuckled and kissed his chin. “Oh, we are a couple of idiots. I was waiting for you to call me first.” Brett settled back down in Roman’s arms as he made his confessions. “I feel like I’m always the weak one. This one time, I didn’t want to be seen as disposable. I didn’t want you to know I care.”

Roman stared at the ceiling and shook his head. “Wow. We are a mess.”

“It’s not our fault, I don’t think.” Brett went back to stroking Roman’s stomach. “I think we’re just a little jaded.” Brett sounded tired, which made sense. He had driven from L.A. to see Roman and Roman hadn’t gotten off work until two in the morning. Not to mention, Roman had given him some pain meds. No doubt, Brett probably held on by a thread at this point. A small smile passed over Roman’s lips. He couldn’t believe Brett had driven all this way to bring him a new car. That was the craziest slash greatest thing anyone had ever done for him. Brett was really amazing. He felt the tension drain from Brett. Brett’s hand went still on Roman’s stomach. Roman tilted his head to see Brett’s face. Brett was out. Roman stared at him in awe. This amazing guy had fallen in love with him. Roman couldn’t believe it. He wasn’t sure he deserved Brett’s love, but he would. Roman would make him proud. Somehow.

After a solid night of sleep, the world seemed a thousand times brighter when Brett woke in Roman’s arms. They went to lunch. Roman drove, getting a feel for his new SUV. Lunch turned into Brett checking out of his hotel and moving his things to Roman’s house. The day passed too Copyright 2016 - 2024