Beautifully Stolen - Charity Parkerson Page 0,28

the time, just wondering if today will be the day they’ll recognize you for who you are. Imagine if you joined me in here as Midas.” Roman’s lust skyrocketed at the thought. Pressure climbed his shaft. He pumped faster. “Imagine if you let people watch you while you straddle my hips. I see you for who you are. You should let other people see too.” Roman writhed. His body burned. He wanted to be inside Brett. Before Brett, people had bored the hell out of him. Brett made him feel like he had something to offer to someone. He could give him this. Set him free. “Tell me who you are, Brett. Are you Brett or are you Midas?”

“I’m yours.”

The words were so calmly and surely spoken that they sent Roman over the edge. Pleasure shook him as jets of cum hit him in the chest. He gasped for air, but his eyes never left his reflection. Brett was there, on the other side of the mirror, watching.

“Suite two ten. Black Run Lodge. Come to me.”

Roman’s eyes fell closed as the demand caressed his ears. His breath stuttered from his lungs. “I’ll be there.”

There was nowhere he would rather be. He just prayed Brett was actually there when he got off work. He still had a few hours before he could leave. That was too much time for Brett to think. Panic started to set in.

“Are you still there?”

A sexy chuckle rumbled through the speakers. “I’m still here. I still have seven minutes left on the clock.”

Roman jumped to his feet. He didn’t care about anything. He snagged his shirt and swiped the cum from his torso before tossing it aside. Roman didn’t bother wasting time to dress. He raced to Brett’s side of the room. This time, he didn’t bother with the lights. Roman kicked the door closed behind him as he overcame Brett.

“I’m claiming my third kiss.”

Brett came back at him every bit as hard as Roman went in. Their tongues clashed. Brett’s hands were everywhere, caressing. Roman dragged Brett closer, needing to hold him. Four weeks apart had been twenty-nine days too long. Roman never missed anyone. He ached for Brett. He didn’t understand it. Never had. They just fit. This was the one for him. He thought his heart had always known it. That was why they kept seeking each other out without reason. Just because Roman knew they were meant to be didn’t mean Brett felt it. He could still run.

“Please be there when I come to you. Don’t run from me.”

Brett kissed him sweetly, making Roman’s eyes burn. “I’ll be there. I promise. Just hurry.” He deepened their kiss again while holding Roman’s face between his hands. “Jesus, please hurry,” Brett whispered against Roman’s lips.

A loud knock landed on the door. “Time’s up.”

Brett startled in his arms.

Roman soothed him, rubbing his back. “Don’t worry. He won’t burst in here. I’ll see you in a couple of hours. Sooner, if I can swing it.”

Brett traced Roman’s jawline one final time before pulling away. “I’ll be waiting.”

With his heart in his throat, Roman watched Brett slip from the room. He knew this could still go wrong in a million different ways, but he never dreamed Brett would accept this side of him. He needed to get this night done so he could be with Brett. They still needed to talk. A smile pulled at Roman’s lips. Brett had shown up, though. He had followed Roman to Aspen. His brow furrowed. Why in the hell had Brett driven? Roman shook his head at the random thought. It was possible they hadn’t cleared him to fly yet. In a flash, Roman went back to smiling like an idiot. Brett looked adorable in his walking boot and baggy as hell purple pants. Where did he find such crazy clothes? Roman couldn’t wait to strip them away. He already counted the minutes.


Brett thought he should probably be pacing the floor and chewing his nails. None of that happened. Instead, his mind churned, turning over Roman’s words. Roman claimed Brett wanted to be seen the same as he saw others. Maybe that had some truth to it, but the rest of what Roman said was what he couldn’t shake. Roman wanted him to climb inside the mirror as Midas. Straddle his hips while people watched. A pant escaped Brett. His current level of arousal was off the charts. He didn’t think he was brave enough to do what Roman did. Surely Copyright 2016 - 2024